Clara Ng-Quinn
MCB Senior Academic Advisor
Hometown: Menlo Park, CA
What I did/experiences before Cal? As an undergraduate, I was extremely involved in various students of color organizations and initiatives. I was one of the student leaders involved in establishing the Cornell Asian & Asian American Center and I was on the national board of the East Coast Asian American Student Union. Two of my summers were spent in Washington, DC, where I interned with (at the time) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Whip James Clyburn. After I graduated, I became a Teach For America corps member in the Greater New Orleans region, where I taught high school and middle school math. (Students, feel free to ask me about TFA if you are interested in applying!) During this time, I discovered my passion for working with students. After I finished TFA, I went to graduate school at the University of Michigan, where I worked in student affairs and academic support. Eventually, I got tired of living through actual winters, so I roadtripped back home to the bay area.
What you love about Cal and working in the UAO? I am excited to work in an office that is dedicated to our students. The staff here is incredibly friendly and welcoming, so come in and meet us! I love how vibrant and engaging the Cal community is, and I feel very supported professionally.
Interests: Sharks, indoor rock climbing, jogging, strumming ukulele, playing piano, New Orleans Saints (Geaux Saints!), the Niners, science fiction and fantasy novels, trying new food, board games, political comedy cable TV shows, road tripping, and presidential election years.
Life Motto: "The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside." -Mark Twain
Advisor Tip: Get yourself organized earlier rather than later. Don't be afraid to reach out to your professors, classmates, and the advisors for help. College can be a busy, stressful time, so don't forget to carve in some time for yourself into your schedule. And please, get as much sleep as possible!