Advising Services

MCB major advising is available Monday-Thursday 9 am - 4 pm and Friday 9 am - 3 pm.

MCB offers three types of undergraduate advising; staff advisors, faculty advisors, and peer advisors. Each type of advisor provides a unique perspective on the MCB experience, and thus, it's important to review below to see what type of advisor will be able to address your questions. Staff advisors are usually the main resources for intended and declared MCB students. We've also compiled a list of FAQs to answer some of the most common questions we are asked. 

For Peer Advising, please check the PAWS page.

For Faculty Advising, please check the faculty advising page for updated information on availability.

Staff Advisors

Clara Ng-Quinn
Anna McPherson
Claire Eccles
Octavio Campos

Staff academic advisors (aka major advisors) are trained to support students and assist them in successfully completing their MCB major and preparing for after graduation. 

Schedule an Appointment:

Short-Notice Appointments

20-minute appointments. Open 24 hours in advance and must be scheduled at least 30 minutes in advance. Example: a 3 pm appointment will open at 3 pm the day before.

In-Person  Remote

Types of Appointments available: Information on the MCB major, Declaring/Changing Major, Scheduling/Course Planning, Advising Holds, Graduation Checks, and other quick questions.


Pre-Scheduled Advising Appointments

20-40 minute appointments. Opened 2 weeks in advance, must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

In-Person  Remote

Types of Appointments available: Information on the MCB major, Declaring/Changing Major, Scheduling/Course Planning, Advising Holds, Graduation Check, Research (Info or units), Honors, Study Abroad, Academic Difficulty/Probation, Readmission/Withdrawal, and any other questions you have!



Drop-In advising (Zoom and in-person) will return in the fall semester.

View our calendar for drop-in availability, special events, and partner office advising times.


Email Us:
Email is an excellent way to have your quick questions answered or to find out where to start!

Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisors are MCB professors assigned to advise students about the MCB department, its courses, research, and other academic issues. Students choose a faculty advisor when they declare an MCB major.

Students should see their faculty advisors in order to:

  • receive guidance toward achieving academic and career goals,
  • ask questions about the content of MCB courses,
  • ask questions about biological research and about the field of biology in general,
  • ask for recommendations on which graduate schools to attend, and
  • request exceptions to MCB major requirements and policies (obtain their signature on MCB Substitution Form),
  • get their signature on the Curriculum Planning Form, after speaking with a UAO staff advisor first (see above).  

Office hours are designated for drop-in advising unless otherwise noted. Faculty advisor office hours are effective from the first day of instruction until the final day of instruction for the fall and spring semesters. Faculty advisors are not available for office hours during winter or summer break. Students may refer to staff drop-in advising hours during summer sessions and non-instructional periods. To see office hours for our faculty advisors, click here.

PAWS - Peer Advisor Walk-in Services

Peer advisors are junior & senior MCB majors who volunteer their time to complement the UAO advising services by sharing their knowledge of and experience with lower division requirements and upper division classes, experience with student groups on campus, preparation for life beyond the B.A., and use of various campus resources. To see the schedule and more information about who our peer advisors are and which courses they've taken, click here.