2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the UC Regents' approval to admit women to the University of California on equal terms with men. To celebrate this milestone, we've dedicated this edition of the MCB Transcript to the remarkable accomplishments of women in our department.
Department News
Below are articles from various sources about members of MCB and their research.
The MCB Undergraduate Student Association (mcbUSA) has published an online magazine entirely authored, designed, and curated by its members.
Congratulations to MCB Assistant Professor Dipti Nayak on being named a 2020 Searle Scholar!
MCB faculty are among UC Berkeley researchers to receive funding to pursue SARS-CoV-2 research.
It's our pleasure to announce that Ian Swinburne will join MCB as an Assistant Professor in January 2021!
MCB faculty Kunxin Luo, Russell Vance, Michael Rape, Sarah Stanley, and Michael Marletta have been selected to receive bridge funding for their high-risk, original, and crucial research on the SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 global pandemic.
MCB undergraduate Isaac Witte is one of four finalists for this year's University Medal.
On May 7, the department hosted it’s annual All Faculty Meeting virtually via Zoom. MCB faculty came together to celebrate their successes, thank colleagues for their service, welcome new faculty, and discuss issues affecting the department.
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new MCB Assistant Professor, Yvette Fisher, arriving in July 2021.
Congratulations to MCB Assistant Professor Evan Miller on being selected as a 2020 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar!