In a formal ceremony in Tokyo today, the 2017 Japan Prize in the life sciences was presented to the two inventors of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool that is revolutionizing biological research and medical treatment -- MCB Professor Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin.
Department News
Below are articles from various sources about members of MCB and their research.
HHMI Investigator and Chancellor's Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology John Kuriyan has received the 2017 Stein & Moore Award sponsored by The Protein Society. The award recognizes eminent leaders in protein science who have made sustained high-impact research contributions to the field.
Ryan Morrie, a graduate student in the Feller Lab, has been awarded the 2017-2018 University of California Dissertation-Year Fellowship for his outstanding scholarly achievement and future academic potential. He was also recognized for his involvement in scientific outreach with diverse local elementary school children through the Bay Area Scientists In Schools (BASIS) program.
Congratulations to Professors Jamie Cate and Christopher Chang for being elected members of the esteemed American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
MCB graduate student Nicole Haloupek's lovely article in the Berkeley Review is featured front and center on the UC Berkeley home page today. Read the full article, "Color by Numbers," which highlights the fascinating work of the Patel Lab (including grad students Ryan Null and Rachel Thayer) and other researchers on campus examinig the science behind color.
MCB Teaching Professor of Neurobiology David Presti is interviewed about his popular UC course on Drugs and the Brain, and expanding public interest in psychopharmacology and consciousness in the Spring 2017 edition of CALIFORNIA magazine.
"The European Patent Office (EPO) has announced its intention to grant a broad patent for the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology to the University of California, the University of Vienna and Emmanuelle Charpentier."
MCB Professors Russell Vance and Matt Welch were among the 73 new ASM fellows. "Fellows of the American Academy of Microbiology, an honorific leadership group within the ASM, are elected annually through a highly selective, peer-review process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology."
A study co-authored by MCB and Chemistry Professors Jamie Cate and Jennifer Doudna found a new method to selectively target disease-bearing proteins without damaging the cells containing them. This technology could lead to an alternative to antibiotic treatments, and could have implications for treating cancer and neurological diseases.
MCB Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology Diana Bautista has been appointed to the "Class of 1943 Memorial Chair." The endowed chair is rotated among disciplines and departments at the discretion of the Chancellor.