Christopher Alvaro (PhD 2015) is an IRACDA post-doctoral fellow at UCSF in Allan Basbaum’s lab studying the neuronal mechanisms of pain and itch transduction.
Joseph Aslan (BA 2000) was recently promoted to a faculty position at Oregon Health & Science University to study the cell biology of platelets as part of the Knight Cardiovascular Institute.
Leyu Chiu (BA 2013) is a medical student at MSU College of Human Medicine.
Shenda Gu (BA 2008) is a student at Oregon Health & Science University.
Cemal Gurkan (BA 1997) is the Director of the Turkish Cypriot DNA Laboratory in North Cyprus, which is involved with missing-person identifications, and also acts as a scientific advisor to the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus.
Jackline Joy Lasola (BA 2010) is an MD/PhD student at the University of Maryland and completed her ScM at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2013.
Cheryl Leung (BA 2014) provides technical support for veterinary diagnostics at Abaxis, consulting with veterinary clinics, zoos, and research facilities to troubleshoot issues with chemistry blood analyzers.
Justine (Migdall-Wilson) Maller (BA 2005) is a Pediatric Resident Physician at Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center, specializing in pediatrics and likely pursuing a rheumatology fellowship after graduation.
Alex Manzo (1985) is managing the manufacture of HLA molecular typing and antibody detection products for organ transplantation matching at One Lambda, a Thermo Fisher Scientific company.
Barry Rhoades (PhD 1990) is a Professor of Biology at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia where he founded its neuroscience program.
Kelly Schiabor (PhD 2015) is Quality Analyst at Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits, using high-tech methodologies in the lab — including a GC-MS, RT-PCR, and HPLC — to learn about beer at the molecular level.
Jennifer Shih (BA 2009) is a patent attorney in Silicon Valley.
Aakanksha Singhvi (PhD 2008) is a postdoc at The Rockefeller University, NY.
Blake Taylor (BA 2011) is in his last year of medical school at Columbia University.
Weili Wang (BA 2009) works at Illumina Incorporated as a Senior Production Supervisor in the Diagnostics Operations Team of Reagent Manufacturing.
Cris Wedekind (BA 1979) is the founder and CEO of California Cardiopulmonary Perfusion Inc., which provides clinical perfusion support and equipment to client hospitals, research facilities, and medical-device start-ups.
Harrison Wein (PhD 1996) is Chief of the Science Communication Branch at NIH, and founding and current editor of two NIH publications, NIH News in Health and NIH Research Matters.
Robert Weinberg (PhD 1988) was previously a postdoc at Syntex Pharmaceuticals. In 1992 he switched fields to provide executive coaching and leadership-development consulting to leaders and teams, including some at UC Berkeley.
Rod Wing (BA 1980) is the Director of the Arizona Genomics Institute and a Bud Antle Endowed Chair Professor for the School of Plant Sciences, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona.
Wei Der “Derek” Wu (BA 2009) is a student at UC Irvine School of Medicine.
Stephan Suksong Yoon (BA 2008) obtained his DMD from Harvard School of Dental Medicine and is now finishing up an orthodontic residency at UCSF; he plans to work in private practice.
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