MCB Postdocs Research Showcase 2024

Peukes and Yerkesh
Peukes and Yerkesh, Co-Chairs (Image credit: Nico Novoa-Marchant, SDP Audiovisual 2024)

The 3rd annual MCB Postdocs Research Showcase took place on March 28th, 2024. The event featured research talks from MCB postdocs across every division, a poster session, a keynote address by Christopher Barnes (Assistant Professor at Stanford), and a career panel featuring guests from diverse career paths including academia, startup, science policy, and a science incubator. The showcase was a huge success in highlighting the stellar research being done by MCB postdocs, supporting postdocs' professional development, and building community. 

Burgos Bravo presenting her research
Francesca Burgos Bravo, Bustamante Lab, presents her talk "FACT promotes efficient Pol II transcription by modulating the topographic features of the nucleosomal barrier" (Image credit: Nico Novoa-Marchant, SDP Audiovisual 2024)

The showcase organizing efforts were led by postdoc volunteers Julia Peukes and Zhadyra Yerkesh (Co-Chairs, Nogales Lab) and supported by Cory Pender (Dillin Lab) and Xiao Liu (Heald Lab) who served as Co-Chairs of the event in 2023. In reflecting on their experience, Yerkesh stated, "It was great to know the excellent science our fellow postdocs are doing and get to know them in person. On a personal level, organizing this event was a unique opportunity to develop my leadership skills." Peukes shared, "The event was a great and unique opportunity to learn about the fantastic and diverse research that is done in MCB and outside our own division by fellow postdocs. It made me appreciate what a vibrant postdoc community we have in MCB and that I am proud being part of it."



To learn more about the MCB Postdocs Research Showcase and see the full program, visit the website


Kevin Wu discussing his research at the poster session Postdocs and faculty engaged in the Q&A

Kevin Wu, Park Lab, discussing his research at the poster session (Image credit: Nico Novoa-Marchant, SDP Audiovisual 2024)

Postdoc and faculty attendees engaged during the Q&A (Image credit: Nico Novoa-Marchant, SDP Audiovisual 2024)