Postdocs Research Showcase 2025

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The Department of Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) is excited to host the 4th annual Postdocs Research Showcase on Monday May 5th, 2025 from 9 am - 7 pm in Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Auditorium

There will be opportunities for postdocs to present their work in form of short talks and posters and learn about various career paths from panelists in academia, industry, science policy, and more. Come and share your work, hear about the exciting research being done by other MCB Postdocs, and get to know each other! Postdocs from all MCB divisions at any career stage to submit an abstract to present their research at the showcase (registration call coming in February 2025).


MCB Postdocs Showcase Planning Committee

Christopher Arp (Co-Chair)
Amir Bitran (Co-Chair)
Francesca Burgos-Bravo (Co-Chair)
Nicholas Lue (Co-Chair)
Zhadyra Yerkesh

Enjoy photo highlights from last year's MCB Postdocs Research Showcase (Image credits: Nico Novoa-Marchant, SDP Audiovisual 2024)