As of this summer, two of our Division Heads, Jennifer Doudna of BBS and Nilabh Shastri of IMP, will be stepping down as Division Heads. Please join us in thanking them for their fine service to their Divisions and to the Department.
We are pleased to announce that Eva Nogales will be the new Division Head for BBS, starting at the beginning of the Fall semester (late August).
We are also pleased to announce that Greg Barton will be the new Division Head for IMP, starting July 1.
Abby Dernburg has agreed to replace Eva as Chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee.
Jim Hurley will replace Eva as the Chair of the Biophysics Graduate Program.
We thank our colleagues for taking on these important roles in the Department.
-David Raulet and Richard Harland, MCB Co-Chairs
Pictured above from left to right: Jennifer Doudna, Nilabh Shastri, Eva Nogales, Greg Barton, Abby Dernburg, and James Hurley.
Photo credit for Jennifer Doudna photo is Cailey Cotner. Photo credit for Abby Dernburg photo is Noah Berger and HHMI. Photo credit for Eva Nogales, Greg Barton, and James Hurley is Mark Hanson of Mark Joseph Studios.