Spring 2022 | New & Noteworthy: Faculty

Congratulations new MCB Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigators:

Associate Professor Hillel Adesnik, Assistant Professor Yvette Fisher, Professor (Affiliated) Daniel Fletcher, Assistant Professor Hernan Garcia, Associate Professor Lin He, Assistant Professor (Affiliated) Liana Lareau, Assistant Professor Dipti Nayak, Professor Daniel Rokhsar, Professor Alanna Schepartz, and Assistant Professor in Residence Srigokul Upadhyayula.
Hillel Adesnik
Yvette Fisher 
Daniel Fletcher
Hernan Garcia
Lin He
Liana Lareau
Dipti Nayak 
Daniel Rokhsar
Alanna Schepartz
Srigokul Upadhyayula
Srigokul Upadhyayula

Professors David Drubin and Nicole King – elected to National Academy of Sciences

David Drubin
Nicole King
BallLecturer Robin Ball – UC Berkeley 2022 Distinguished Teaching Award BartonProfessor Greg Barton – 2021 Lupus Innovation Award
ChamberlinProfessor Emeritus Michael Chamberlin – 2021 Arthur Kornberg and Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences from the Stanford Medicine Alumni Association DillinProfessor Andy Dillin – 2022 Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences from the Foundation for the National Institute of Health
Yvette FisherAssistant Professor Yvette Fisher – Sloan Research Fellow
GarciaAssistant Professor Hernan Garcia – Elizabeth D. Hay New Investigator Award from the Society for Developmental Biology
HealdProfessor Rebecca Heald – elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences KingProfessor Nicole King – elected to French Academy of Sciences
LammelAssociate Professor Stephan Lammel – McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience 2022 Neurobiology of Brain Disorders (NBD) Award LishkoAssociate Professor Polina Lishko – 2022 Bakar Prize and Paul F. Cranefield Award
MoorjaniAssistant Professor Priya Moorjani – 2021 Hellman Fellow NogalesProfessor Eva Nogales – 2021 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow
RauletProfessor David Raulet – Martin Meyerson Berkeley Faculty Research Lecture 2022 RobeyProfessor Ellen Robey – Distinguished Fellow of American Association of Immunology—Class of 2022
Jeremy ThornerDistinguished Professor Emeritus Jeremy Thorner – 2022 Centenary Award of the UK Biochemical Society, London, UK  


CDP research image
The Division of Cell and Developmental Biology has been renamed the Division of Cell Biology, Development, & Physiology (CDP). The rationale for the name change is to acknowledge the importance of physiology as a primary research topic in the division, and to better enable the recruitment of trainees and faculty with research interests in this area. Moreover, the new name reflects the popularity of the Medical Biology & Physiology track of our undergraduate major, and of our undergraduate course in Physiology, which is by far our most heavily enrolled upper-division course. Thus, our new name captures the diversity of the research being conducted in the division as well as the breadth of our teaching mission. Image: The TIE-DYE technique demonstrates how the same protein (Dpp) can promote growth (large patches) or inhibit growth (small patches) in different parts of the same tissue - the Drosophila wing disc. Hariharan lab.
IMM research image The Division of Immunology and Pathogenesis has been renamed the Division of Immunology and Molecular Medicine (IMM). The new name better captures the breadth of research going on in the division as well as the directions in which we hope to grow. The cornerstone of the division has always been, and will continue to be, immunology, but the field of immunology has expanded and now includes many other areas of biology. The immune system plays a role in most human diseases, and many members of our division are working to harness or manipulate the immune system for therapeutic benefit. We wanted a divisional name that captures this broader effort. Image: 12 micron section of the olfactory epithelium from a mouse that received fluorescent T cells (yellow) stained with DAPI (magenta). Derek Bangs, Robey lab.





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