An Intersection of Academia and Industry

talks with undergrad Bianca Filart about her research.
Photo: Peg Skorpinski
"At its inaugural symposium held in September, the MCB Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP) brought together industry and academia to offer UC Berkeley scientists at all career stages an opportunity to build direct connections with innovative companies. Presentations from IAP founding member companies Agenovir, Amgen, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, and Thermo Fisher Scientific showcased new developments, future directions, and potential career opportunities for students and postdocs.
Campus leadership and MCB faculty speakers included the Dean of the Biological Sciences, Professor Michael Botchan; MCB Co-Chair and Professor Nipam Patel; and MCB Professor and HHMI Investigator Robert Tjian. An interactive poster session — which highlighted the research of 16 MCB undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs — ignited engaging scientific conversations between industry program sponsors and the MCB community.
“UC Berkeley is where I learned about scientific vision and the need for boldness,” said Dr. Jin-Long Chen, MCB alumnus and founder and chief scientific officer of NGM Biopharmaceuticals. “I was once told by my own teachers that I wasn’t there to read the text book, but to learn how to write the next chapter. I’m so excited to partner with MCB to help young researchers blaze their own scientific paths.”