Rabeea Abbas (BA 2015) worked as a Research Associate at 10X Genomic, Inc., a Bay Area biotech start-up for a year, and now is attending Samuel Merritt University Medical School. Connect with Rabeea on LinkedIn.
Suren Ambegaokar (BA 2003) is an Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Microbiology at Ohio Wesleyan University, in Delaware, Ohio. Connect with Suren on LinkedIn.
Gregory Crimmins (PhD 2008) is the CEO of Remedy Plan, Inc., an early-stage biotech company developing a new class of cancer-containment drugs.
William Egelston (BA 1971) is a retired surgeon from the Department of Orthopedics & Podiatry at Kaiser.
Lubor Gaal (PhD 1996) is the Global Head of External Innovation and Licensing at Almirall, a family-owned specialty pharmaceutical company focused on dermatology, in Barcelona, Spain.
Conrad Halling (PhD 1989) is a Senior Bioinformatics Scientist in Monsanto Company’s high throughput protein optimization group in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Victor Holmes (PhD 2001) is a Project Leader at Amyris, advancing the fermentative manufacture of commodity and specialty chemicals.
Sahar Mozaffari (BA 2013) is currently pursuing a PhD in human genetics at the University of Chicago. Connect with Sahar on LinkedIn.
Danae Schulz (PhD 2010) is an Assistant Professor at Harvey Mudd College.
Chris Severyn (BA 2002) is currently a Hospitalist at Duke University Children’s Hospital and will be a Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellow at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford starting in July 2017.
Wenjun “Wendy” Shao (PhD 2015) is a Data Scientist at Twitter, Inc.
Carolyn Sy (BA 2016) is a post-baccalaureate fellow at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where she mentors and teaches girls interested in pursuing STEM fields.
Anne-Laure (Allary) Talbot (BA 2004) is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, caring for well and sick children.
Henry Wada (BA 1970) retired as the former CSO of Wako Life Sciences Inc. and currently volunteers as a UCB Alumni Association Scholarship reader and interviewer.
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