Jessica Hong
Drubin Lab, MCB-CDB Senior, 2017
Senior Honors Thesis: Ark1p and Prk1p family kinases regulate timing of endocytic disassembly
Professor Drubin says that Jessica Hong "has performed outstanding research in my lab since her freshman year, so far earning authorship on a research publication for her contributions to the analysis of the force generating mechanism during endocytosis, the process by which cells take up molecules from their environments.”
Hong says, “Molecular biology research has given me a curiosity about living processes that extends far beyond the textbook. In these past four years, learning from my mentors Ross Pedersen, Professor Drubin, and the wonderful people in the Drubin Barnes lab has easily been my most valuable experience at Cal!”
At the Spring graduation ceremony, Hong received the Paola S. Timiras Memorial Prize, which awards a graduating senior in the Cell and Developmental Biology emphasis who has demonstrated excellence in academic achievement and high quality of research.