To faculty, postdocs and students in MCB:
On Tuesday March 27 the Division of Cell and Development Biology and the UCB Stem Cell Center will be co-sponsoring a one-day symposium on "Frontiers in Tumor Biology".
We have a great lineup of speakers and you can download a pdf poster advertising the meeting here.
Attendance at the symposium is free but because we'll be providing
refreshments at the breaks and post-symposium reception we'd like to
get an idea of attendance. If you are planning to attend (part or all)
of the meeting please register on the symposium website (
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Iswar Hariharan
Kunxin Luo
Steve Martin
Michael Clarke (Stanford) "Escape from self renewal constraints by cancer stem cells"
Owen Witte (UCLA), "Stem cells for prostate tissue development and prostate cancer"
Mina Bissell (LBNL), "Context and tissue structure determine the pattern of gene expression phenotype in normal and malignant breast"
John Condeelis (Albert Einstein) "Imaging and expression profiling of the tumor microenvironment of metastic breast cancer"
David Lyden (Memorial Sloan-Kettering) "Preparing the soil for the pre-metastatic niche"
Martine Roussel (St. Jude) "Molecular determinants of medulloblastoma"
Clemens Schmitt (Max Delbruck Center, Berlin) "Stress-inducible senescence in lymphoma development and therapy"
Gerard Evan (UCSF) "The uses and abuses of apotosis in cancer"�