Faculty PIs are at the helm of their laboratories, guiding and managing their research program and bearing the ultimate responsibility for all lab training and activities. They are a rich and full resource of laboratory and professional experience, helping students develop broader strategic thinking about their science and careers, guiding students along paths that require research skills, and much more. This week meet two faculty PIs who find it rewarding to see their mentees develop and discover what they want to pursue in their future careers.
Meet Elçin Ünal and Denis Titov.
Learn more about the NSF REU @Berkeley program: mcb.berkeley.edu/nsfreu/
Read MCB's Fall 2018 newsletter article about the program: mcb.berkeley.edu/news-and-events/transcript/fall-2018-nsf-reu-program
Visit the Ünal and Titov lab websites to learn more about their research programs:
- Ünal lab: unal-and-brar-labs.org/
- Titov lab: denistitovlab.org/
Banner image: Karla Car via Unsplash.