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    The faculty of the Division of Cell and Developmental Biology (CDB) pursue research aimed at detailed understanding of the structure and function of cellular components, such as membranes, organelles. chromosomes and the cytoskeleton; cellular processes, such as epithelial transport, cell motility, mitosis, protein targeting and secretion, and eukaryotic growth control; the origin of cell polarity; and the molecular and cellular basis for axis formation, morphogenetic movements, fate determination, and gene regulation during embryogenesis and cellular differentiation. These issues are being addressed in systems as diverse as yeast, sea urchins, frogs, and mammalian cells in culture, and these studies exploit techniques ranging from molecular biology and microinjection to digital imaging and mathematical modeling.

    Cell & Developmental Biology Faculty:

  • Bautista, Diane

    Bilder, David

    Burnside, Beth (Vice Chancellor, Research)

    Cande, W. Zacheus

    Dernburg, Abby

    Drubin, David*

    Firestone, Gary

    Forte, John

    Hariharan, Iswar

    He, Lin

    Heald, Rebecca

    Karpen, Gary

    Komeili, Arash

    Luo, Kunxin

    Machen, Terry

    Martin, G. Steven

    Oster, George

    Rape, Michael*

    Schekman, Randy

    Weis, Karsten*

    Weisblat, David

    Welch, Matthew

    Wurmser, Andrew

    CDB Affiliate Faculty:

    Barnes, Georjana

    Chen, Lu

    Collins, Kathleen

    Meyer, Barbara

    Nogales, Eva

    Robey, Ellen

    Thorner, Jeremy

    Professors of the Graduate School

    Gerhart, John

    Wilt, Fred

    Emeritus Faculty

    Macey, Robert

    Mel, Howard

    Nandi, Satyabrata

    Rubin, Harry

    Srebnik, Herbert

    Strohman, Richard


    *denotes member of the conference organizing committee

    See the newest graphic images from MCB labs!: http://ls.berkeley.edu/?q=image-galleries/molecular-and-cell-biology

    UC Berkeley Molecular Imaging Facility: http://imaging.berkeley.edu/