Department News

Below are articles from various sources about members of MCB and their research.

May 11, 2016

Erica Pederson was a much loved and truly dedicated member of the DNA Sequencing Facility Team. It is with the greatest sadness that we report that Erica passed away on May 1, 2016, after a brief, but a brave, battle with cancer.


May 11, 2016

Polina Kosillo, a postdoctoral researcher in Assistant Professor Helen Bateup's lab, was the single recipient of the prestigious Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. The TS Alliance endeavors to stimulate, support, and coordinate research that will lead to a cure for tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) while improving the lives of those affected.

May 10, 2016

A study led by Genetics, Genomics and Development Professor Daniel Rokhsar, research specialist Jessen Bredeson, postdoc Jessica Lyons and members of the International Cassava Genetic Map Consortium has compared cassava's genome to its relatives, in order to improve disease resistance and crop yield.Their paper was published in Nature Biotechnology on April 18, 2016.

May 10, 2016

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences has awarded the 2016 Dr H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics to MCB Professor Jennifer Doudna.


May 06, 2016

Class of '36 Chair and Professor of Immunology and Pathogenesis Greg Barton, postdoctoral fellow Meghan Koch, and colleagues have found yet another reason why breastmilk is important for a newborn's health. They have identified antibodies in mouse milk that instruct the immune system on how to appropriately respond to beneficial gut bactera and help regulate inflammatory responses.

May 04, 2016

Are you a postdoc in a lab of an MCB affiliated professor? And are you looking for helpful resources, invaluable connections, and a free lunch? Check this out!


May 03, 2016

It was announced today that Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology Susan Marqusee, and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology Robert Glaeser have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. 


May 03, 2016

Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology Jennifer Doudna has been named a foreign member of the prestigious Royal Society, a rare honor for a UC Berkeley faculty member. She joins MCB Professors John Kuriyan and Randy Schekman as elected foreign members of the society, and Professors G. Steven Martin and Gerald Westheimer, who are fellows within the society.

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May 02, 2016

Professor of the Graduate School Jack Kirsch has received the presitigious UC Berkeley Edward A. Dickson Emeriti Professorship in recognition of his exemplary continued service in teaching, research, and public service.


April 29, 2016

Professor of Neurobiology and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering David Schaffer received the American Chemical Society Marvin J. Johnson Award. It recognizes outstanding research contributions toward the advancement of microbial and biochemical technology.