Department News

Below are articles from various sources about members of MCB and their research.

November 26, 2017

MCB Professor Jeffery Cox has collaborated with researchers at UCSF and UCSD to study and map the convoluted networks among proteins and genes in the body. The new research on how these networks facilitate interaction on the cellular level could lead to more precise treatments for a variety of diseases, from psychiatric disorders to cancer.

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November 21, 2017

MCB Professor Marla Feller has been elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for “advancing science applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished.” She is one of six UC Berkeley faculty to be honored with this fellowship this year.


November 20, 2017

MCB graduate student Nicole Haloupek, and MCB alumna Jeannette Tenthorey, are co-lead authors on a groundbreaking new study published in Science last week. The new research sheds light on the mechanism in which the immune system detects and attacks invading bacteria, and builds upon our fundamental understanding of how the immune system functions.


November 15, 2017

MCB graduate student Armbien Sabillo received a Student Presentation Award for his excellent work, titled “A Novel Role for the Neural Plate during X. Laevis Muscle Formation,” at the 2017 SACNAS Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.


November 15, 2017

Assistant Professor of Neurobiology Helen Bateup received the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Development Award for demonstrating creativity and originality in her research on neural circuit function and autism. 


November 09, 2017

Professors Abby Dernburg, Rebecca Heald, Eva Nogales and Jeremy Thorner were named ASCB Fellows by the American Society for Cell Biology. They are recognized for their lifetime achievements in advancing cell biology. They join many other prestigious faculty, both here at UC Berkeley (Professors David Drubin, Doug Koshland, and Randy Schekman) and elsewhere.


November 08, 2017

Assistant Professor Stephen Brohawn was named one of three 2017 New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Robertson Neuroscience Investigators from around the world, enabling him to pursue high-risk/high-reward research focusing on how the nervous system senses and responds to physical forces. 


November 01, 2017

MCB Professor Susan Marqusee received Stanford Medicine Alumni Association’s 2017 Arthur Kornberg and Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences for her outstanding achievements in medicine and bioscience.


October 26, 2017

MCB Professor Nipam Patel's film "Squid: Coming to Life" was recognized at the 10th Annual Imagine Science Film Festival that was held in New York this month. His film won "runner up" in the Scientific Merit Award category. This award is given by a jury to the film that exemplifies science in storytelling and narrative filmmaking in a compelling, credible and inspiring manner.


October 24, 2017

MCB Professor of Neurobiology John Ngai will lead the UC Berkeley team as one of six Principal Investigators collaborating on the Allen Institute for Brain Science's National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative Cell Census grant. Their collective efforts will create an atlas of cell types in the mouse brain to serve as a basis for understanding how the human brain functions in health and disease.