Department News

Below are articles from various sources about members of MCB and their research.

April 16, 2012

Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology Susan Marqusee has received the William C. Rose Award of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). She was recognized for her protein-folding research and for her encouragement of the next generation of scientists.


March 09, 2012

The Department of Molecular & Cell Biology and the Cancer Research Laboratory are hosting a symposium on Wed, March 28, 2012 in honor of Jim Allison, with talks ranging from basic immunology to clinical aspects of cancer immunotherapy. Information about the speakers is available by following the link below.

Symposium Details ...

March 02, 2012

MCB Graduate Students Mark Grabiner (Machen Lab), Nate Krefman (Drubin/Barnes Lab) and Angela Kaczmarczyk (Patel Lab) were awarded the 2012 Science Parody of the Year Lab Grammy award by the journal BioTechniques for their video titled ‰ÛÏGrad School I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down.‰Û The video was produced for MCB's annual Follies.


February 14, 2012

Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology Carlos Bustamante has been awarded the 2012 Vilcek Foundation Prize for Biomedical Science. The award, presented annually to foreign-born scientists and artists who have made outstanding contributions to US society, is for Bustamante's "groundbreaking research into the inner workings of the cell and movement of individual molecules within cells."


December 06, 2011

The Bowes Research Fellows Program at the University of California, Berkeley, is seeking nominations of outstanding recent or imminent Ph.D. and M.D. graduates to be given the freedom to establish an independent research program as an alternative to the traditional postdoctoral experience. Bowes Fellows must have demonstrated exceptional promise and maturity in their graduate careers and be eager to engage the frontiers of biomedical and life sciences. The deadline is December 15, 2011.

September 28, 2011

The Department of Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) is seeking applications for three faculty positions in the areas listed below. We seek candidates with Ph. D. and/or M.D. degrees who have a strong interest in undergraduate and graduate teaching and demonstrated excellence, originality and productivity in research.

Systems Biology (MCB)

September 27, 2011

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Michelle Chang and Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ming Hammond are recipients of the 2011 NIH Director's New Innovator Award. This award provides support to new investigators who propose highly innovative projects that have the potential for unusually high impact.


August 15, 2011

Cancer patients may view their tumors as parasites taking over their bodies, but this is more than a metaphor for Peter Duesberg, a molecular and cell biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley.


August 01, 2011

Pain is the most common reason for trips to the doctor's office. So it makes sense that pain treatment is a huge part of our healthcare system, costing more than 100 billion dollars a year. But how exactly pain works is still a mystery in many ways.

Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology Diana Bautista has been interviewed by KQED about her research into pain.


July 20, 2011

Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology Randy W. Schekman has been named the first editor of a new journal that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society, and the Wellcome Trust aim to launch next year.