Department News

News about about MCB faculty, students and staff.

Bustamante Awarded Vilcek Foundation Prize

Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology Carlos Bustamante has been awarded the 2012 Vilcek Foundation Prize for Biomedical Science. The award, presented annually to foreign-born scientists and artists who have made outstanding contributions to US society, is for Bustamante's "groundbreaking research into the inner workings of the cell and movement of individual molecules within cells."


Bowes Research Fellows

The Bowes Research Fellows Program at the University of California, Berkeley, is seeking nominations of outstanding recent or imminent Ph.D. and M.D. graduates to be given the freedom to establish an independent research program as an alternative to the traditional postdoctoral experience. Bowes Fellows must have demonstrated exceptional promise and maturity in their graduate careers and be eager to engage the frontiers of biomedical and life sciences. The deadline is December 15, 2011.

Fellows will receive funding and space sufficient to maintain a laboratory of two to three members for a three-year term (extendable to five), free from the need to obtain grant support or the distractions of classroom teaching. Fellows will have principal investigator status, making them eligible to obtain outside funding from grants or other sources as their research programs expand.

The Science of Pain

Pain is the most common reason for trips to the doctor's office. So it makes sense that pain treatment is a huge part of our healthcare system, costing more than 100 billion dollars a year. But how exactly pain works is still a mystery in many ways.

Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology Diana Bautista has been interviewed by KQED about her research into pain.


Marqusee Wins The William C. Rose Award

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Susan Marqusee has won the 2011 American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) "Rose Award".

The William C. Rose Award recognizes outstanding contributions to biochemical and molecular biological research and a demonstrated commitment to the training of younger scientists, as epitomized by the late Dr. Rose. Nominations must be originated by Society members, but the nominees need not be ASBMB members.

Thorner & Barton receive AAF Award

William V. Power Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jeremy Thorner has been awarded a Senior Investigator Award from the American Asthma Foundation in collaboration with Assistant Professor of Immunology and Pathogenesis Greg Barton.

The project will pursue whether fundamental observations made in yeast can be applied to provide new insights about the molecular basis of a human disease, in this case, the predisposition to contracting asthma at a young age.