Spring 2020 | New & Noteworthy: Faculty


Congratulations to Dirk Hockemeyer, Nicolas Ingolia, Elçin Ünal, and Roberto Zoncu on their promotions to MCB Associate Professors!

Dirk Hockemeyer

Nicolas Ingolia

Elçin Ünal

Roberto Zoncu
Gregory Barton headshotProfessor Gregory Barton – 2020 American Academy of Microbiology Fellow Stephen Brohawn headshotAssistant Professor Stephen Brohawn – Early-Career Investigator Award from the American Association for Anatomy and 2020 Sloan Research Fellow
Kathleen Collins headshotProfessor Kathleen Collins – 2020 American Academy of Arts & Sciences Member Abby Dernburg headshotProfessor Abby Dernburg – Miller Professorship Award
Jennifer Doudna headshotProfessor Jennifer Doudna – 2020 Wolf Prize in Medicine, 2020 Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science, and 2020 Guggenheim Fellowship Marla Feller headshotProfessor Marla Feller – 2020 UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award
Iswar Hariharan headshotProfessor Iswar Hariharan – William Power Endowed Chair James Hurley headshotProfessor James Hurley – 2020 Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Ehud Isacoff headshotProfessor Ehud Isacoff – 2020 Memory and Cognitive Disorders Award from the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience Samantha Lewis headshotAssistant Professor Samantha Lewis – Shurl & Kay Curci Foundation Faculty Award, 2020 Winkler Scholar, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences R00 Grant
Sabeeha Merchant headshotProfessor Sabeeha Merchant – Moore Foundation Investigator Award Evan Miller headshotAssistant Professor Evan Miller - 2020 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar
John Ngai headshotProfessor John Ngai – Named Director of NIH BRAIN Initiative. He retired from UC Berkeley as an emeritus professor and is now overseeing the long-term strategy and day-to-day operations of the initiative at NIH. Michael Rape headshotProfessor Michael Rape – Dr. K. Peter Hirth Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
David Schaffer headshotProfessor David Schaffer – 2019 Fellow for the American Association for the Advancement of Science Matthew Welch headshotProfessor Matthew Welch – 2020 Carol D. Soc Distinguished Graduate Student Mentoring Award


Professor Rubin was a treasured part of the UC Berkeley community who joined the faculty in 1958 and served until he retired as an emeritus professor in 2001. He was a highly accomplished scientist who received the Lasker Award for his studies. He and his colleagues pioneered the discovery of defective retroviruses harboring transduced versions of the cellular genes we now know as Myc, Src, and Jun.

Among those trained by Professor Rubin were Howard Temin (Nobel prize), Peter Vogt, Hidesaburu Hanafusa, Steve Martin, and Peter Duesberg.

Learn more about his life and career here.



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