Department News

Below are articles from various sources about members of MCB and their research.

June 20, 2016

This $1.24 million award will be split among MCB Professor Jennifer Doudna, and her collaborator, Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Max Planck Institute of Infection Biology in Germany and Umeå University in Sweden, as well as Feng Zhang of MIT. They were awarded “for the development of CRISPR/Cas9 as a breakthrough genome editing platform that promises to revolutionize biomedical research and disease treatment.”


June 17, 2016

MCB Professor Randy Schekman received the the 2016 Fiat Lux Faculty Award from the Cal Alumni Association. Thanks Dr. Schekman for your dedication not only to science but to Berkeley -- Go Bears!



June 16, 2016

Read California Sunday Magazine's feature on MCB Associate Professor Diana Bautista. As it says, Bautista "is one of a small but growing number of researchers in the United States trying to decode the molecular secrets of itchiness." Reader beware -- content may make you feel a little itchy yourself!


June 14, 2016

"From DNA to Diversity" highlights several MCB researchers -- from Shion Lim, a graduate student in Professor Susan Marqusee’s lab, to Jacques Bothma, a postdoctoral fellow researching animal development in Professor Hernan Garcia’s lab -- there's a lot going on!

Thanks to Nicole Haloupek, who wrote this fantastic article for the Berkeley Science Review, and who is also a graduate student in Professor Eva Nogales's lab.


June 14, 2016

MCB Professor Jennifer Doudna is the recipient of the 2016 Dickson Prize in Medicine from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. This prize is the Pitt School of Medicine’s most prestigious annual award.  



June 13, 2016

UC Berkeley researchers, led by MCB and Chemistry Professor Christopher Chang, have now clarified the critical role that copper plays in nutrition: It helps move fat out of fat cells – called adipocytes – and into the blood stream for use as energy. That being said, we still don't recommend eating pennies.


June 10, 2016

Assistant Professor Gloria Brar has been named a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences, and Assistant Professor Dirk Hockemeyer has been named a Pew-Stewart Scholar for Cancer Research by the Pew Charitable Trusts. There are only 22 biomedical scholars, and 5 cancer scholars named in the nation per year.


June 07, 2016

Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology Mu-Ming Poo has been awarded the prestigious 2016 Gruber Neuroscience Prize for his pioneering and inspiring work on synaptic plasticity. Much of this work was done at UC Berkeley.


June 02, 2016

Assistant Professor of Neurobiology Hillel Adesnik has received a 2016 American Association of Anatomists (AAA) Young Investigator Award - C. J. Herrick Award in Neuroanatomy. The award recognizes investigators in the early stages of their careers who have made important contributions to biomedical science through their research.



June 01, 2016

Peter Walentek, a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Harland's lab, has received a K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award designed to foster the transiton of new investigators to research independence. It provides close to $1 Million in funding to support his research and for starting his own lab.