David Presti

David Presti

Teaching Professor of Neurobiology

Lab Homepage: http://mcb.berkeley.edu/labs2/presti/

Env Full Directory Information

Research Interests

How physiological processes in the brain are related to behavior and mental experience remains one of the most fascinating and challenging issues in neuroscience.  I am interested in how insights into molecular mechanisms and behavioral effects of psychoactive substances can contribute to increased understanding of the connection between physical processes in the brain and the psychology of mental states (the mind-body problem).

Selected Publications

DE Presti. The mind-body problem. In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior. Elsevier (in press 2011). 

DE Presti. Drugs, the brain, and behavior. In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior. Elsevier (in press 2011).

DE Presti. Neurochemistry and altered consciousness. In Altering Consciousness: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (edited by E Cardeña & M Winkelman), vol 2, chap 2, pp 20-41, Praeger (2011).

OL Carter, DE Presti, et al. Meditation alters perceptual rivalry in Tibetan Buddhist monks. Current Biology 15: R412-R413 (2005).

MS Jacob & DE Presti. Endogenous psychoactive tryptamines reconsidered: an anxiolytic role for dimethyltryptamine. Medical Hypothesis 64: 930-937 (2005).

DE Presti & DE Nichols. Biochemistry and neuropharmacology of psilocybin mushrooms. In Teonanacatl: Sacred Mushrooms of Visions (edited by R Metzner). Green Earth Foundation (2004).

DE Presti & JE Beck. Strychnine and other enduring myths: expert and user folklore surrounding LSD. In Psychoactive Sacramentals: the Vallombrosa Conference (edited by TB Roberts). San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices (2001). {Reprinted as "Myths and misperceptions" in The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic,and Sacred Journeys, by J Fadiman, pp 90-102, Park Street Press (2011)}

JM Barrie & DE Presti. Digital plagiarism: The web giveth and the web shall taketh. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2(1): e6 (2000).

JM Barrie & DE Presti. The worldwide web as an instructional tool. Science 274: 371-372 (1996).

Last Updated 2011-07-20