Past Workshops and Extended Presentations
Science for Monks & Nuns program with Buddhist monks and nuns Dharamsala, India
(Neuroscience of perception) (5 days)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic medicines and the nature of mind and consciousness) (10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic Medicines and the Mind) (10 hours over 3 days)
Science for Monks & Nuns program with Buddhist monastics in Paro, Bhutan
(co-faculty: chemistry, neuroscience, mental health, leadership) (14 days)
Esalen Institute (Mind, Brain, Consciousness: Toward a Revolution in Mind Sciences)
(10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute, Psychedelic Integration (co-faculty)
Speaking in relation to physical science, neurobiology, pharmakon, deep interconnectivity,
and mind beyond brain (over 5 days)
Science for Monks & Nuns program with Buddhist nuns at Kopan Nunnery in Kathmandu, Nepal
(Science of perception) (5 days)
Family Service Agency of the Central Coast, Santa Cruz, California
Psychedelic Medicines: Current Clinical and Neuroscientific Research (6 hours)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic Medicines and the Mind) (10 hours over 3 days)
Contra Costa County Psychological Association Annual Meeting (The Changing Landscape of Psychedelics in the Treatment of Mood, Anxiety, and Addiction Disorders) (3 hours)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Brain, Mind, and Consciousness: A Deep Knowing) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Science for Monks & Nuns program with Buddhist monastics in Punakha, Bhutan
(Science of perception) (10 days)
San Mateo County Psychological Association (Psychedelic Psychotherapy Returns to the Clinical Mainstream) (3 hours)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic Medicines and the Mind) (10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute (Brain, Mind, and Consciousness: A Deep Knowing) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Practical Clinical Psychopharmacology: From A to Z (Adderall to Caffeine to Zoloft)) (7 hours)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic Medicines and the Mind) (10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute (Brain and Mind: A Deep Knowing) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Practical Clinical Psychopharmacology: From A to Z (Adderall to Caffeine to Zoloft)) (7 hours)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic Medicines and the Mind) (10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute (Mind, Brain, Consciousness: A Deep Knowing) (10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute (Psychedelic Medicines and the Mind) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Mind, Brain, Consciousness: From Neuroscience to Soul) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Neuroscience of Mind, Brain, and Consciousness) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Cassidy Professional Seminars, Sacramento, California (Understanding Psychopharmacology) (6 hours)
Family Service Agency of the Central Coast, Santa Cruz, California
Brain, Mind, Drugs, and Addiction (6 hours)
Esalen Institute (Neuroscience of Mind, Brain, and Consciousness) (10 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Nutritional Biochemistry and Mental Health; co-faculty) (15 hours over 4 days)
Esalen Institute (Mind, Brain, Drugs, and the Neuroscience of Consciousness) (10 hours over 3 days)
Ojai Foundation, Ojai, California (Visionary Practice: Ritual and Reshaping Consciousness; co-teacher) (18 hours over 3 days)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
East Bay Community Recovery Project, Oakland, California (Pharmacology and Drug Abuse) (2 hours)
UC Berkeley Extension (Advances in Human Brain Science for Clinicians) (7 hours)
Family Service Agency of the Central Coast, Santa Cruz, California (Mind, Brain, and Behavior) (6 hours)
Esalen Institute (Drugs, the Mind, and the Body) (10 hours over 3 days)
California School of Professional Psychology Continuing Education Program, San Francisco (Psychedelics and the Mind) (7 hours)
Women’s AIDS Project, Oakland, California (Pharmacology and Drug Abuse) (3 hours)
Santa Barbara Community College and Institute for Consciousness Studies, Santa Barbara (Drugs, Plants, and the Brain) (12 hours over 2 days)
Esalen Institute (Drugs, the Mind, and the Body) (10 hours over 3 days)
Family Service Agency of the Central Coast, Santa Cruz, California
Drugs, Brain, and Addiction (6 hours)
Esalen Institute (Drugs, the Brain, and the Body) (10 hours over 3 days)
Family Service Agency of the Central Coast, Santa Cruz, California
Mind and Brain Science for the 21st Century (6 hours)
Oregon Psychological Association, Portland, Oregon (Neurobiology of Addiction) (7 hours)
California School of Professional Psychology Continuing Education Program, San Francisco
Neurobiology of Addiction (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Drugs, the Brain, and the Body) (10 hours over 3 days)
California Society of Addiction Medicine State-of-the Art Conference, Los Angeles (Neurobiology of addiction) (4 hours)
California School of Professional Psychology Continuing Education Program, San Francisco (Psychedelics and the mind) (7 hours)
Esalen Institute (Drugs, the Brain, and the Body) (10 hours over 3 days)
Esalen Institute (Drugs, the Brain, and the Body) (10 hours over 3 days)