Capitani, G., Tschopp, M.,. Eliot, A. C., Kirsch, J. F., and Grütter, M. G.: Structure of ACC synthase Inactivated by the Mechanism-based Inhibitor L-vinylglycine. FEBS Lett. 579, 2458-2462 (2005). Sivaraman, S. and Kirsch, J. F.: The narrow substrate specificity of human tyrosineaminotransferase - the enzyme deficient in tyrosinemia type II. FEBS Journal. 273, 1920-1929 (2006). Krishnaswamy, S. R., Williams, E. R., and Kirsch, J. F.: Free Energies of Protein-Protein Association Determined by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Correlate Accurately with Values Obtained by Solution Methods. Protein Science. 15,1465-1475 (2006). Aitken, S. M. and Kirsch, J. F.: The Enzymology of Cystathionine Biosynthesis: Strategies for the Control of Substrate and Reaction Specificity. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 433, 166-175 (2005). Chow, M. A., McElroy, K. E., Corbett, K. D., Berger, J. 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