Welcome to the Kirsch Group Home Page (Load Me)

Welcome to the Kirsch Group Web Site.

From protein/protein recognition to enzymatic catalysis to protein folding and thermostability, the Kirsch Group Home Page has it all. Here you can find biographical information on Professor Jack F. Kirsch, the Research Interests of Professor Kirsch along with references to his publications. We also have links to Group Members, Group Pictures, and other world wide web links related to our group and biochemistry in general.

Kirsch lab members in action

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Departments of Molecular and Cell Biology and Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley
and Materials Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California 94720
jfkirsch uclink4.berkeley.edu
copyright 1996 University of California
page maintained by Stacy Du
created by Alan D. Miller
visitors since 6/1/96