MGN Mentorship Program
In the MCB grad program, every student’s experience is unique. We aim to provide personal guidance to first-year students for individual decision-making during this critical time. After matching you with older MCB graduate students, we will meet once a month for a short update, then break out into mentorship groups where you will be able to discuss personal achievements, goals and decisions.
Mentor-mentee matching: We provide annual online questionnaires for mentors and mentees about your scientific interests, hobbies and life experiences to make fitting matches. Each mentorship group will consist of one first-year and several upper-year students.
Meetings: Each meeting will begin with a brief update of mentorship events and suggested talking points, then evolve into small-group discussions. You are, of course, encouraged to chat with your mentor outside of scheduled meetings. If any member of the group cannot attend, they may schedule a meeting on their own.
Contact our Mentorship Program leaders, Yui Iwamoto (yuichiro_iwamoto at berkeley dot edu) and Mathew Summers (msummers at berkeley dot edu), for more information or to join the program.
First 2020 meeting:
Stay tuned for details!