
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes: Online resource for your textbook

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man: Catalog of human genes and genetic disorders Biology Animation Library: Animations illustrating important topics in genetics
Virtual Library on Genetics: Library of links to topics and sites related to genetics
DNA from the Beginning : An animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes and heredity
Basic Principles of Genetics: An introduction to Mendelian Genetics
Genes and Disease: Collection of articles that discuss genes and the diseases they cause
World of Genetics Links: Supplementary information on topics in genetics
Flymove: Images and movies highlighting Drosophila genetics and development
Flybase: Database of the Drosophila Genome and More!
Human Genome Project: Information on the Human Genome Project
Online Data Gathering: Links to sites that allow you "play the research geneticist"

For more links see the Discussion links page.

MCB142/IB C163

MWF 9:00-10:00 2050 VLSB

Discussion Times:
103 Tuesday 8-9: 2030 VLSB
111 Tuesday 9-10: 2038 VLSB
104 Tuesday 1-2: 2030 VLSB
115 Tuesday 1-2: 2038 VLSB
105 Wednesday 11-12: 2032 VLSB
116 Wednesday 11-12: 2038 VLSB
106 Wednesday 1-2: 2032 VLSB
114 Wednesday 2-3: 2032 VLSB
110 Wednesday 3-4: 2038 VLSB
118 Wednesday 3-4: 2062 VLSB
107 Thursday 9-10: 2062 VLSB
108 Thursday 2-3: 2030 VLSB
109 Thursday 4-5: 2062 VLSB
112 Friday 3-4: 2030 VLSB