Publications (1995-1998)
GQ, Poo MM.
Synaptic modifications in cultured hippocampal neurons: dependence on
spike timing, synaptic strength, and postsynaptic cell type. J
Neurosci. 1998 Dec 15;18(24):10464-72.
Zhang LI, Tao HW, Holt CE, Harris WA, Poo M.
A critical window for cooperation and competition among developing retinotectal
synapses. Nature. 1998 Sep 3;395(6697):37-44.
Song H, Ming G, He Z, Lehmann M, McKerracher L, Tessier-Lavigne M, Poo
Conversion of neuronal growth cone responses from repulsion to attraction
by cyclic nucleotides. Science. 1998 Sep 4;281(5382):1515-8.
Wang X, Berninger B, Poo M.
Localized synaptic actions of neurotrophin-4. J Neurosci. 1998
Jul 1;18(13):4985-92.
Sternfeld M, Ming G, Song H, Sela K, Timberg R, Poo M, Soreq H.
Acetylcholinesterase enhances neurite growth and synapse development through
alternative contributions of its hydrolytic capacity, core protein, and
variable C termini. J Neurosci. 1998 Feb 15;18(4):1240-9.
Morimoto T, Wang XH, Poo MM.
Overexpression of synaptotagmin modulates short-term synaptic plasticity
at developing neuromuscular junctions. Neuroscience. 1998 Feb;82(4):969-78.
Fitzsimonds RM, Poo MM.
Retrograde signaling in the development and modification of synapses.
Physiol Rev. 1998 Jan;78(1):143-70. Review.
GL, Song HJ, Berninger B, Holt CE, Tessier-Lavigne M, Poo MM.
cAMP-dependent growth cone guidance by netrin-1. Neuron. 1997
de la Torre JR, Hopker VH, Ming GL, Poo MM, Tessier-Lavigne M, Hemmati-Brivanlou
A, Holt CE.
Turning of retinal growth cones in a netrin-1 gradient mediated by the
netrin receptor DCC. Neuron. 1997 Dec;19(6):1211-24.
Wang XH, Poo MM.
Potentiation of developing synapses by postsynaptic release of neurotrophin-4.
Neuron. 1997 Oct;19(4):825-35.
Lowen SB, Cash SS, Poo M, Teich MC.
Quantal neurotransmitter secretion rate exhibits fractal behavior.
J Neurosci. 1997 Aug 1;17(15):5666-77.
Fitzsimonds RM, Song HJ, Poo MM.
Propagation of activity-dependent synaptic depression in simple neural
networks. Nature. 1997 Jul 31;388(6641):439-48.
Song HJ, Ming GL, Poo MM.
cAMP-induced switching in turning direction of nerve growth cones.
Nature. 1997 Jul 17;388(6639):275-9.
Song H, Ming G, Fon E, Bellocchio E, Edwards RH, Poo M.
Expression of a putative vesicular acetylcholine transporter facilitates
quantal transmitter packaging. Neuron. 1997 May;18(5):815-26.
Lu B, Czernik AJ, Popov S, Wang T, Poo MM, Greengard P.
Expression of synapsin I correlates with maturation of the neuromuscular
synapse. Neuroscience. 1996 Oct;74(4):1087-97.
Cash S, Zucker RS, Poo MM.
Spread of synaptic depression mediated by presynaptic cytoplasmic signaling.
Science. 1996 May 17;272(5264):998-1001.
Stoop R, Poo MM.
Synaptic modulation by neurotrophic factors: differential and synergistic
effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and ciliary neurotrophic
factor. J Neurosci. 1996 May 15;16(10):3256-64.
Cash S, Dan Y, Poo MM, Zucker R.
Postsynaptic elevation of calcium induces persistent depression of developing
neuromuscular synapses. Neuron. 1996 Apr;16(4):745-54.
Wang XH, Zheng JQ, Poo MM.
Effects of cytochalasin treatment on short-term synaptic plasticity at
developing neuromuscular junctions in frogs. J Physiol. 1996
Feb 15;491 ( Pt 1):187-95.
Zheng JQ, Wan JJ, Poo MM.
Essential role of filopodia in chemotropic turning of nerve growth cone
induced by a glutamate gradient. J Neurosci. 1996 Feb 1;16(3):1140-9.
Winckler B, Poo MM.
No diffusion barrier at axon hillock. Nature. 1996 Jan 18;379(6562):213.
Zheng JQ, Poo MM, Connor JA.
Calcium and chemotropic turning of nerve growth cones. Perspect
Dev Neurobiol. 1996;4(2-3):205-13. Review.
Stoop R, Poo MM.
Synaptic modulation by neurotrophic factors. Prog Brain Res.
1996;109:359-64. Review.
Morimoto T, Popov S, Buckley KM, Poo MM.
Calcium-dependent transmitter secretion from fibroblasts: modulation by
synaptotagmin I. Neuron. 1995 Sep;15(3):689-96.
Girod R, Popov S, Alder J, Zheng JQ, Lohof A, Poo MM.
Spontaneous quantal transmitter secretion from myocytes and fibroblasts:
comparison with neuronal secretion. J Neurosci. 1995 Apr;15(4):2826-38.
Stoop R, Poo MM.
Potentiation of transmitter release by ciliary neurotrophic factor requires
somatic signaling. Science. 1995 Feb 3;267(5198):695-9.
Valtorta F, Iezzi N, Benfenati F, Lu B, Poo MM, Greengard P.
Accelerated structural maturation induced by synapsin I at developing
neuromuscular synapses of Xenopus laevis. Eur J Neurosci. 1995
Feb 1;7(2):261-70.
Poo M, Dan Y, Song H, Morimoto T, Popov S.
Calcium-dependent vesicular exocytosis: from constitutive to regulated
secretion. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1995;60:349-59.
Alder J, Kanki H, Valtorta F, Greengard P, Poo MM.
Overexpression of synaptophysin enhances neurotransmitter secretion at
Xenopus neuromuscular synapses. J Neurosci. 1995 Jan;15(1 Pt
Dan Y, Lo Y, Poo MM.
Plasticity of developing neuromuscular synapses. Prog Brain Res.
1995;105:211-5. Review.
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