Publications (1984 and earlier)
NB, Poo MM.
Perturbation of the direction of neurite growth by pulsed and focal electric
fields. J Neurosci. 1984 Dec;4(12):2939-47.
McCloskey MA, Liu ZY, Poo MM.
Lateral electromigration and diffusion of Fc epsilon receptors on rat
basophilic leukemia cells: effects of IgE binding. J Cell Biol.
1984 Sep;99(3):778-87.
Lin-Liu S, Adey WR, Poo MM.
Migration of cell surface concanavalin A receptors in pulsed electric
fields. Biophys J. 1984 Jun;45(6):1211-7.
Chow I, Poo MM.
Formation of electrical coupling between embryonic Xenopus muscle cells
in culture. J Physiol. 1984 Jan;346:181-94.
McCloskey M, Poo MM.
Protein diffusion in cell membranes: some biological implications.
Int Rev Cytol. 1984;87:19-81. Review.
Young SH, Poo MM.
Spontaneous release of transmitter from growth cones of embryonic neurones.
Nature. 1983 Oct 13-19;305(5935):634-7.
Wu CF, Suzuki N, Poo MM.
Dissociated neurons from normal and mutant Drosophila larval central nervous
system in cell culture. J Neurosci. 1983 Sep;3(9):1888-99.
Young SH, Poo MM.
Topographical rearrangement of acetylcholine receptors alters channel
kinetics. Nature. 1983 Jul 14-20;304(5922):161-3.
Young SH, Poo MM.
Rapid lateral diffusion of extrajunctional acetylcholine receptors in
the developing muscle membrane of Xenopus tadpole. J Neurosci.
1983 Jan;3(1):225-31.
Chow I, Poo MM.
Redistribution of cell surface receptors induced by cell-cell contact.
J Cell Biol. 1982 Nov;95(2 Pt 1):510-8.
Patel N, Poo MM.
Orientation of neurite growth by extracellular electric fields. J
Neurosci. 1982 Apr;2(4):483-96.
Poo M. Rapid lateral diffusion of functional A Ch receptors in embryonic
muscle cell membrane. Nature. 1982 Jan 28;295(5847):332-4.
Fraser SE, Poo M.
Development, maintenance, and modulation of patterned membrane topography:
models based on the acetylcholine receptor. Curr Top Dev Biol.
1982;17(Pt 3):77-100.
Chao NM, Young SH, Poo MM.
Localization of cell membrane components by surface diffusion into a "trap".
Biophys J. 1981 Oct;36(1):139-53.
Orida N, Poo MM.
Maintenance and dissolution of acetylcholine receptor clusters in the
embryonic muscle cell membrane. Brain Res. 1981 Apr;227(2):293-8.
McLaughlin S, Poo MM.
The role of electro-osmosis in the electric-field-induced movement of
charged macromolecules on the surfaces of cells. Biophys J.
1981 Apr;34(1):85-93.
Poo M.
In situ electrophoresis of membrane components. Annu Rev Biophys
Bioeng. 1981;10:245-76. Review.
Orida N, Poo MM.
On the developmental regulation of acetylcholine receptor mobility in
the Xenopus embryonic muscle membrane. Exp Cell Res. 1980 Dec;130(2):281-90.
Jaffe LF, Poo MM.
Neurites grow faster towards the cathode than the anode in a steady field.
J Exp Zool. 1979 Jul;209(1):115-28.
Poo M, Lam JW, Orida N, Chao AW.
Electrophoresis and diffusion in the plane of the cell membrane. Biophys
J. 1979 Apr;26(1):1-21.
Poo M.
Molecular movements of receptors on cell surface. Biorheology.
Orida N, Poo MM.
Electrophoretic movement and localisation of acetylcholine receptors in
the embryonic muscle cell membrane. Nature. 1978 Sep 7;275(5675):31-5.
Poo MM, Poo WJ, Lam JW.
Lateral electrophoresis and diffusion of Concanavalin A receptors in the
membrane of embryonic muscle cell. J Cell Biol. 1978 Feb;76(2):483-501.
Hudspeth AJ, Poo MM, Stuart AE.
Passive signal propagation and membrane properties in median photoreceptors
of the giant barnacle. J Physiol. 1977 Oct;272(1):25-43.
Nuccitelli R, Poo MM, Jaffe LF.
Relations between ameboid movement and membrane-controlled electrical
currents. J Gen Physiol. 1977 Jun;69(6):743-63.
Poo M, Robinson KR.
Electrophoresis of concanavalin A receptors along embryonic muscle cell
membrane. Nature. 1977 Feb 17;265(5595):602-5.
Poo M, Cone RA.
Lateral diffusion of rhodopsin in the photoreceptor membrane. Nature.
1974 Feb 15;247(441):438-41.
Poo MM, Cone RA.
Lateral diffusion of phodopsin in Necturus rods. Exp Eye Res.
1973 Dec 24;17(6):503-10.
Poo M, Cone RA.
Lateral diffusion of rhodopsin in the visual receptor membrane. J
Supramol Struct. 1973;1(4):354.
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