Fourth Year Events

In the fall, the MGN hosts an event catered to 4th year students that covers topics related to getting through the end of grad school and starting to think about career options. For this event, we invite MCB alumni who are still in the area and represent a variety of different career choices. Drinks and snacks are provided. Alumni and MGN members facilitate a panel and small-group discussions, with each group representing a general career interest. Ideally there is about 20 minutes of time with each small group, so students can chat with folks in 3 different small groups over the course of an hour. Anyone who wants can stick around and continue discussion after the small groups.

General topics covered during 4th year breakout group discussions:

  • Finishing up grad school: how to develop/maintain a good relationship with your PI or what to do if you haven't
  • How to navigate the tougher conversations with your PI and negotiate your exit
  • Publication process (if you haven't already done so) and what expectations postdocs and/or jobs have related to number and "quality"
  • What were things you wish you knew as a 4th year?
  • Self-care and stress-management during later years
  • Staying motivated
  • Sources of support
  • Thinking about what will come after graduate school and career preparation
  • Preparations for leaving and networking
  • Different types of interviews i.e. academic post-doc, industry positions
  • How to decide where to go next once you have offers
  • How long does a thesis take to write and time management
  • What to do for health insurance, etc. if there is a gap between graduate school and your next step