Recent News and Photos
August 2021: Davis and Daniel presented their thesis work at MCB
TheRPs. Congratulations!
January 2021: We managed a few celebration-worthy things in 2020!
Congrats to Daniel and Davis for both having papers published and
congrats to Delaney & Daniel for putting their paper on bioRxiv. We
were also sad to say goodbye to Delaney, but excited to see
her start a PhD program at Yale!
October 2019: Congratulations to Davis on winning the talk prize at the GGD retreat!
September 2019: Welcome to new undergrad Anusha Subramanian!
August 2019: Congratulations to Gavin on finishing his PhD! We'll miss him as he starts his postdoc at the Whitehead.
May 2019: Congratulations to Katya on completing her bachelor's degree in Bioengineering!
April 2019: Congratulations to PhD candidate Molly for passing her qualifying exam!
April 2019: Congratulations to Molly for being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
October 2018: Congratulations to Molly for winning the poster prize and Daniel for winning the talk prize at the GGD retreat!
August 2018: The lab had a great time rafting the Tuolumne on a 2-day trip!
June 2018: Welcome to new undergrad researcher Itamar and welcome full-time to undergrad researchers Katya and Delaney for the summer!
May 2018: Congratulations to the newly-qualified Victoria!
April 2018: A new Rine-o joins the lab! Welcome to Molly Brothers!
April 2018: Congratulations to Ellie for passing her qual!
April 2018: Congratulations to both Ellie and Victoria for receiving NSF Fellowships!
February 2018: Check out new papers from Katie on homologous recombination and silencing and from Ryan on PCNA and heterochromatin.
February 2018: Welcome to Molly, our MCB roton for the third rotation period!
January 2018: Our lab has moved! We are now in Barker 440, sharing some space with the Koshland Lab. The view from the new lab definitely beats the view from the old one!
December 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Katie Sieverman on her graduation!
November 2017: Welcome to new undergrad researcher Delaney!
September 2017: Congrats to Gavin for winning the talk prize at the department retreat!
April 2017: Ellie and Victoria join the lab! Welcome!
April 2017: We had a great time celebrating recent accomplishments with a lab day trip to Napa.
April 2017: Congratulations to Davis and Daniel for passing their quals!
March 2017: Ryan's paper on oncometabolites and gene silencing is out!
March 2017: Congratulations to Daniel and Davis for receiving NSF fellowships!
March 2017: Gavin's paper on silencing in aged cells is out!
February 2017: MCB student Victoria Blake and Biophysics student Yuya Karita join us as rotation students!
January 2017: It's the most wonderful time of the year for the Rine Lab: MCB Follies! Check out our contribution "Leftovers in the Lunchroom"
January 2017: David's paper on nutritional control of aging is out!
December 2016: In lieu of our normal gift exchange, we celebrated the holiday season this year by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation.
December 2016: We're sad to say goodbye to Kripa and wish her the best as she moves home to India.
December 2016: Congratulations to David for finishing his PhD!
November 2016: MCB student Eliana Bondra joins the lab as a rotation student!
October 2016: The lab kayaks at Elkhorn Slough before the annual GGD retreat at Asilomar. Katie wins a prize for her presentation!