Terry Machen
Lab Personnel

Terry E. Machen

Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
231 LSA
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3200
tel: 510-642-2983  
fax: 510-643-6791
Terry Machen


1959-1963         Tustin Union High School, Tustin CA, diploma

1963-1967         University of California, Santa Barbara, BA in Analytical Biology, with honors

1967-1971         UCLA Medical School, PhD in Physiology
: Jared M. Diamond 

1971-1972          Postdoctoral Fellow, Agricultural Research Council, Inst. of Animal Physiol., Babraham, Cambridge, UK
Supervisor:  Richard D. Keynes  

1972 (3 mos)      Postdoctoral Fellow, II Physiologisches Institut der Universitat des Saarlandes, Homburg (Saar), Germany
Supervisor:  Bernd Lindemann  

1973-1975          Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. Physiology-Anatomy
Supervisor:  John G. Forte


1973-1975          Lecturer, Dept. Physiology-Anatomy 

1973 (3 mos)      Visiting Research Scientist. Departmento Biologia Cellular, Centro de Investigacion del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, D.F.

1975 (3 mos)      Visiting Research Scientist, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge, England

1975-1979          Assistant Professor, Physiology-Anatomy Dept., University of California, Berkeley

1979-1985          Associate Professor, Physiology-Anatomy Dept., University of California, Berkeley

1979 (3 mos)      Visiting Research Scientist. Panum Inst., Medical Physiol., Dept. A, Copenhagen, DK 

1982-83              Visiting Scientist (Sabbatical). Panum Inst., Med. Physiol., Dept. A, Copenhagen, DK 

1985-90              Key Investigator, Center for Ulcer Research and Education, UCLA and VA Wadsworth 

1985-89              Professor, Physiology-Anatomy Department, University of California, Berkeley 

1989-                  Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCB 

1990-93              Head of Division, Cell and Developmental Biology, UCB


1967-71              NIH Training Grant, predoctoral trainee Physiology Dept, UCLA

 1971-73             Bank of America-Giannini Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

 1975                  Short Term Fellowship, European Molecular Biology Organization

 2002                  Miller Institute for Basic Science Professor

American Physiological Society
American Society of Cell Biologists

Biophysical Society

Society of General Physiologists

Editorial boards:

American Journal of Physiology, GI and Liver Physiology (1981 - 1997, 1999 - 2004)

American Journal of Physiology, Cell Physiology (1983 - present)


Associate Editor, American Journal of Physiology, GI and Liver Physiology, 1985 - 88


Ad hoc reviewer: American J. Physiology (Comparative Physiology Section and Lung Molecular and Cellular Biology Sections), Archives of Biochemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biophysical J., Gastroenterology, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, J. Applied Physiology, J. Biological Chemistry, J. Cellular Physiology, J. Clinical Investigation, J. Comparative Physiology, J. Experimental Zoology, J. Membrane Biology, J. Neuroscience, J. Neurochemistry, J. Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Nature, Pflugers Archiv, Physiological Reviews, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Proceedings of American Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Science


Merit Review Board for Basic Science (Study Section), Veteran's Administration, 1980-83


Ad hoc grant reviews for: NIH, NSF, Veterans Administration, Wellcome Trust (UK), Canadian Natural Sciences Research Council, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc., Korean Natural Sciences


Ad hoc member NIH Study Sections: 1984, 1988, 1993, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007


Pathobiology Study Section, Department of Defense Initiative in Breast Cancer, 1997, 1998, 2000


Secretary, Society of General Physiology, 1993-96



American Physiological Society, GI section, 1990-92

Int'l Union of Physiological Sciences, 1990-92


Executive Board

CURE Digestive Diseases Center, UCLA, 1997-2000

Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc, 1995-97, 2004-present