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 Electrospray Mass Spectometry 

This the mass spec facility in QB3. Sample prep guidelines for ESI-MS (electrospray ionization mass spectrometry). Fill out a mass spectrometry sample submission form.

The samples are submitted to the lab in B207 Stanley, located on basement level B2.

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 MALDI Mass Spectometry 

Location of the MALDI instrument Lewis Basement. You may need to sign up for time, but usually the MALDI is not in use.

Lock Combo: 7619

User: voyager

Pass: voyager

Program to run instrument: Voyager Instrument Control Panel

Hand Icon --> Eject

Set Plate I.D. to Plate 1 for the 100 Sample Stainless Steel Plate (we have)

Load Sample Plate

Open --> LF.METH from D:\KRANTZ

Lightening Bolt Icon

Turn on TV Screen

Set-up file saving Prefix as "MA"

Use Joystick to Fire and then Save Files.

Write file numbers in book.

End with Lightening Bolt off; TV Screen off; and Eject Plate.

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