This the mass spec facility in QB3. Sample prep guidelines for ESI-MS (electrospray ionization mass spectrometry). Fill out a mass spectrometry sample submission form.
The samples are submitted to the lab in B207 Stanley, located on basement level B2.
Location of the MALDI instrument Lewis Basement. You may need to sign up for time, but usually the MALDI is not in use.
Lock Combo: 7619
User: voyager
Pass: voyager
Program to run instrument: Voyager Instrument Control Panel
Hand Icon --> Eject
Set Plate I.D. to Plate 1 for the 100 Sample Stainless Steel Plate (we have)
Load Sample Plate
Open --> LF.METH from D:\KRANTZ
Lightening Bolt Icon
Turn on TV Screen
Set-up file saving Prefix as "MA"
Use Joystick to Fire and then Save Files.
Write file numbers in book.
End with Lightening Bolt off; TV Screen off; and Eject Plate.