Lab members  

Iswar Hariharan Ishwar Hariharan

I obtained my degree in Medicine (MBBS) from the University of Sydney, worked as a medical resident for a year in The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, and then  got my Ph.D. degree from the University of Melbourne. For my PhD, I worked at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research with Jerry Adams and Suzanne Cory on the bcr-abl gene. After a brief stint in Papua New Guinea, I was a postdoc in Gerry Rubin's lab at UC Berkeley, where I started working on Drosophila. I joined the faculty of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and Harvard Medical School in 1992. In 2004 my lab moved to the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley where I am a Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology. I have no hobbies and have forgotten how to relax.

Publications on PubMed

Profile on Google Scholar




Edgar Zepeda

Junior Specialist/Lab manager

Prior to joining the Hariharan Lab, I was an undergraduate research assistant in a developmental biology lab at UC Merced that studied endoderm migration patterns in Zebrafish under the joint direction of Stefan Materna and Stephanie Woo. I graduated in the spring of 2023 with a Bachelors in Human Biology after which I immediately joined the Hariharan Lab. Initially, my interests were very "pre-med" oriented, with emphasis in neuroscience, until I joined the Materna Lab where I began to appreciate research dealing with various topics in dev-bio. Currently, I am investigating the genetic regulation of regeneration in Drosophila wing imaginal discs. When not in the lab, I like to spend some of my free time hiking coastal and mountain trails.



Alexandra Verbeke

Assistant Specialist 

I completed my undergraduate studies at the KU Leuven in Belgium, where I obtained a B.S. in Biomedical Science. During my bachelor's, I interned remotely in the Gevaert lab at Stanford University, where I developed a strong interest in combining classic molecular biology research with bioinformatics. After graduating, I completed a master's program at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Dr. Jelle van den Ameele. While there, I studied the noncanonical nuclear function of a metabolic enzyme during Drosophila brain development. My interest in the fruit fly as a model organism and eagerness to expand my dry-lab skills led me to my current position in the Hariharan lab. In my free time, I enjoy going to the movies with friends and spending time outside in the sun with a good book.

Lupita Hernández

Media preparation and stock maintenance


Joyner Cruz

I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Boston with a B.S. in biology and psychology in 2016 after transferring there from a two year community college program. While there, I had my formative research experience studying membrane morphogenesis in budding yeast with Linda Huang. After graduating, I worked as a technician with Paul Garrity at Brandeis University studying sensory transduction in the fruit fly, where I solidified my decision to go to graduate school. My research interests are broad, which led me to the MCB program at UC Berkeley. As a newly minted member of the Hariharan Lab, I am interested in many aspects of tissue homeostasis. I prefer to keep my life outside of lab an enigma.



Allie Cho 
Triny Ravindran 

Ishita Srivastava

I am currently a 2nd year undergraduate student majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California Berkeley. I fell in love with clinical and experimental research through my past positions at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine. My interest for studying the intersection of cell growth and genetics drove me to join the Hariharan lab, where I am studying cell regulation and tissue growth. Outside of lab, you can find me dancing (an Indian classical dance called Bharatanatyam), taking my golden retriever out on walks and hiking! 


 William Sun 


Links to lab web pages of former lab members
Nicolas Tapon (postdoc) The Francis Crick Institute, London
Kenneth Moberg (postdoc) Department of Cell Biology, Emory University School of Medicine
Ivana Delalle (postdoc) Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Brown University

James Walker (postdoc) Primary mentor was André Bernards (IKH was co-mentor)

Massachusetts General Hopital, Harvard Medical School
Cathie Pfleger (postdoc) Department of Oncological Sciences, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Kieran Harvey (postdoc) Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, University of Melbourne
Hiroshi Kanda (postdoc) Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
Brett Pellock (postdoc) Department of Biology, Providence College
Adrian Halme (postdoc) Department of Cell Biology, University of Virginia
Rachel Smith-Bolton (postdoc) Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tania Reis (postdoc) Department of Medicine, University of Colorado, Denver
Ai-Sun Kelly Tseng (graduate student) School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Sarah Siegrist (postdoc) Department of Biology, University of Virginia
Sa Kan Yoo (postdoc) RIKEN, Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe
Joriene de Nooij (graduate student) Department of Neurology, Columbia University
Robin Harris (postdoc) School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Abigail Gerhold (graduate student) Department of Biology, McGill University
Melanie Worley (graduate student and postdoc) Department of Biology, University of Virginia
Alexander Nguyen (undergraduate and postbaccalaureate) Department of Medicine (Digestive Diseases), UCLA
Justin Bosch (graduate student) Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah   


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