Study Guide
Review Powerpoint
Review Voice

MCB 64
Study Topics

Here is a review of the material found throughout this website

  1. Action Potential
    1. Currents, gates
    2. Threshold events
    3. Propagation
  2. Synapse
    1. Pre and postsynaptic channel gating, vesicle release
  3. Postsynaptic Events
    1. Second messenger systems, Reversal Potential,
  4. Olfaction
    1. Anatomy, pathways, neurons in epithelium and bulb
    2. Transduction events
  5. Vision: Retina
    1. receptive fields, pathways, ON and OFF layering, forms of retinal output
  6. Vision: Cortex
    1. Pathways, receptive field types, architecture, cortical module
  7. Audition
    1. Anatomy, cochlea dynamics, hair cells, transduction, pathways
  8. Muscle
    1. Structure, contractile mechanisms, reflexes
  9. Invertebrate Memory
    1. Habituation, sensitization, classical conditioning
  10. Vertebrate Memory
    1. LTD in cerebellum
    2. LTD and LTP in hippocampus
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