Terry Machen
Lab Personnel

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  Ken Teter, Grischa Chandy, Beatriz Quiñones, Kristina Pereyra, Terry Machen, and Hsiao-Ping Moore (1998). Cellubrevin-targeted fluorescence uncovers heterogeneity in the recycling endosomes. J Biol Chem. 273, 19625-19633.

      The pH and trafficking of recycling endosomes have previously been studied using transferrin. We have used another approach, one in which the vesicle transport protein cellubrevin was appended with a luminal IgG epitope to allow targeting of fluorescein-5'-isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled anti-IgG F(ab) antibodies to the recycling endosomes in living cells. FITC-F(ab) was specifically internalized by COS cells transfected with cellubrevin-Ig, which at steady state accumulated in a pericentriolar region similar to rhodamine-transferrin. Confocal microscopic analysis showed that endosome labeling by these two markers was heterogeneous. This differential distribution was not induced by the IgG tag, since endogenous Cb and Tf were also partitioned into separate endosomal populations. We used fluorescence ratio imaging of internalized FITC-F(ab) to measure the pH of cellubrevin-enriched recycling endosomes (pHCb) and FITC-transferrin to measure the pH of transferrin-enriched recycling endosomes (pHTf). In COS cells, cellubrevin endosomes (mean pHCb 6.1 ± 0.05; range, 5.2-6.6) were more acidic than transferrin endosomes (mean pHTf 6.5 ± 0.05; range, 5.6-7.2). Similar results were obtained in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Treatment with the vacuolar H+-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A1 caused pHTf to increase (delta pHTf= 1.2 pH units) to a greater extent than pHCb (delta pHCb = 0.5 pHunits). Furthermore, inhibition of the Na+/K+-ATPase by ouabain or acetylstrophanthidin caused pHTf to decreaseby 0.6 pH units but had no effect on pHCb. Based on the combinationof these morphological and functional data, we suggest that the recycling endosomes are heterogeneous in their biochemical compositions,ion transport properties, and pH values.