A selected history of the Planar Lipid Bilayer

Seminal References

Describes formation of monolayers of lipid on glass, mica, etc.

1. Langmuir (1938) J Gen Physiol 21: 475

Introduces voltage damp to biological systems and creates electrophysiology

2. Hodgkin, Huxley and Katz (1949) Arch Sd Physiol 3: 129
3. Cole (1949) Arch Sd Physiol 3: 258
4. Marmont (1949) J Cell Comp Physiol 34: 351

Formation of bilayer by ‘paint’ technique

5. Mueller et al. (1962) Nature (Lund) 194: 979
6. Mueller et al. (1962) Circulation XXVI: 1167

Formation of liposomes from dried lipids

7. Banghamm etal. (1965) J Mol Biol 13: 238

Loose patch clamp recordings

8. Neher and Lux (1969) Pfluegers Arch 311: 272

Show ion channels to be one of two broad classes of ion-transporting proteins

9. Mueller and Rudin (1969) Cuff Top Bioenerg 3: 157

First ion channel in BLM

10. Bean et al. (1969) J Gen Physiol 53: 741

First discrete ionic currents in BLM

11. Hladky and Haydon (1970) Nature (Lund) 255: 451
12. Ehrenstein et al. (1970) J Gen Physiol 55:119

Formation of solvent-free bilayers from monolayers

13. Montal and Mueller (1972) PNAS 69:3561

Analysis of torus surrounding bilayer

14. White (1972) Biophys J 12: 432

Conditions for vesicle fusion

15. Cohen et al. (1989) J Gen Physiol 93:201
16. Niles et al. (1989) J Gen Physiol 93:211

Fuses vesicles to bilayer

17. Drachev et al. (1974) Nature 249: 321

First to observe single channels in patch damp

18. Neher and Sakmann (1976) Nature (Lund) 286: 71
19. Neher, Sakmann and Steinbach (1978) Pflugers Arch 375: 219

First incorporation of vesicles into bilayer

20. Miller and Racker (1976) J Membr Biol 30: 283

Incorporate protein into bilayer from monolayer in equilibrium with vesicle suspension

21. Schindler and Rosenbusch (1978) PNAS 75: 3751

Formation of bilayers using purified lipids

22. Waldberg and Szabo (1979) Biochim Biophys Acta 557: 295
23. Schindler (1980) FEBS Left 122: 77

Excise patch technique

24. Horn and Patlak (1980) PNAS 11: 6930

Sigworth describes the technique for formation of excise patch with gigohm seal

25. Hamill et al. (1981) Pflugers Arch 391:85

Technique for vesicle fusion below lipid phase transition temperature

26. Hanke et al. (1981) Biophys Struct Mach 7:131

Form bilayer by bringing together two supported monolayers

27. Setaka et al. (1982) J Biochem 91: 79

Identify vesicle swelling as important for fusion

28. Cohen et al. (1982) Science 217: 458

Formation of bilayer on fused quartz cuvette

29. Procopio et al (1982) Biochim Biophys Acta 688: 808

Patch onto a supported bilayer membrane

30. Andersen and Muller (1982) J Gen Physiol 80: 403

Tip-dip technique

31. Suarez-lsla et al. (1983) Biochem 22: 2319
32. Ehrlich (1992) Methods Enzymol 207: 463

Folded membrane technique

33. Thrower (1999) Methods Mol Biol 114: 221
34. Schindler (1980) FEBS Left 122: 77

Fusion of proteoliposomes to bilayer

35. Lee, et. al. (1994) J Biol Chem 269:13305


36. Methods in Enzymology, Volumes 207, 293 and 294 – Each text is dedicated to ion channel technology (207 is the best)
37. Ion Channel Reconstitution, by Chris Miller (1976) Plenum Press
38. Ion Channels of Excitable Membranes (3rd Ed), by Bertil Hille (2001) Sinauer Associates
39. Single-Channel Recording, by Sakman and Neher (1995) Plenum Press
40. Biological Techniques: Planar Lipid Bilayers, Methods and Applications, by Hanke and Schlue (1993) Academic Press
41. Membrane Biophysics, by Ti Tien and Ovotta-Lietmannova (2000) Elsevier Science Ltd.

Of particular interest from Methods in Enzymology

42. Mirzabekov et al. (1999) Methods Enzymol. 294: 661 Use of planar lipid bilayer membranes for rapid screening of membrane active compounds.
43. Woodbury (1999) Methods Enzymol. 294: 319 Nystatin/ergosterol method for reconstituting ion channels into planar lipid bilayers.
44. Cohen and Niles (1993) Methods Enzymol. 220: 50 Reconstituting channels into planar membranes: a conceptual framework and methods for fusing vesicles to planar bilayer phospholipid membranes.
45. Coronado (1992) Methods Enzymol. 207: 699 Planar bilayer recording of ryanodine receptors of sarcoplasmic reticulum.
46. Andreoli (1974) Methods Enzymol. 32(Part B): 513 Planar lipid bilayer membranes.
47. Finkelstein A. (1974) Methods Enzymol. 32(Part B):489 Bilayers: formation, measurements, and incorporation of components.