Describes formation of monolayers of lipid on glass, mica, etc.
1. Langmuir (1938) J Gen Physiol 21: 475
Introduces voltage damp to biological systems and creates electrophysiology
2. Hodgkin, Huxley and Katz (1949) Arch Sd Physiol 3: 129
3. Cole (1949) Arch Sd Physiol 3: 258
4. Marmont (1949) J Cell Comp Physiol 34: 351
Formation of bilayer by ‘paint’ technique
5. Mueller et al. (1962) Nature (Lund) 194: 979
6. Mueller et al. (1962) Circulation XXVI: 1167
Formation of liposomes from dried lipids
7. Banghamm etal. (1965) J Mol Biol 13: 238
Loose patch clamp recordings
8. Neher and Lux (1969) Pfluegers Arch 311: 272
Show ion channels to be one of two broad classes of ion-transporting proteins
9. Mueller and Rudin (1969) Cuff Top Bioenerg 3: 157
First ion channel in BLM
10. Bean et al. (1969) J Gen Physiol 53: 741
First discrete ionic currents in BLM
11. Hladky and Haydon (1970) Nature (Lund) 255: 451
12. Ehrenstein et al. (1970) J Gen Physiol 55:119
Formation of solvent-free bilayers from monolayers
13. Montal and Mueller (1972) PNAS 69:3561
Analysis of torus surrounding bilayer
14. White (1972) Biophys J 12: 432
Conditions for vesicle fusion
15. Cohen et al. (1989) J Gen Physiol 93:201
16. Niles et al. (1989) J Gen Physiol 93:211
Fuses vesicles to bilayer
17. Drachev et al. (1974) Nature 249: 321
First to observe single channels in patch damp
18. Neher and Sakmann (1976) Nature (Lund) 286: 71
19. Neher, Sakmann and Steinbach (1978) Pflugers Arch 375: 219
First incorporation of vesicles into bilayer
20. Miller and Racker (1976) J Membr Biol 30: 283
Incorporate protein into bilayer from monolayer in equilibrium with vesicle suspension
21. Schindler and Rosenbusch (1978) PNAS 75: 3751
Formation of bilayers using purified lipids
22. Waldberg and Szabo (1979) Biochim Biophys Acta 557: 295
23. Schindler (1980) FEBS Left 122: 77
Excise patch technique
24. Horn and Patlak (1980) PNAS 11: 6930
Sigworth describes the technique for formation of excise patch with gigohm seal
25. Hamill et al. (1981) Pflugers Arch 391:85
Technique for vesicle fusion below lipid phase transition temperature
26. Hanke et al. (1981) Biophys Struct Mach 7:131
Form bilayer by bringing together two supported monolayers
27. Setaka et al. (1982) J Biochem 91: 79
Identify vesicle swelling as important for fusion
28. Cohen et al. (1982) Science 217: 458
Formation of bilayer on fused quartz cuvette
29. Procopio et al (1982) Biochim Biophys Acta 688: 808
Patch onto a supported bilayer membrane
30. Andersen and Muller (1982) J Gen Physiol 80: 403
Tip-dip technique
31. Suarez-lsla et al. (1983) Biochem 22: 2319
32. Ehrlich (1992) Methods Enzymol 207: 463
Folded membrane technique
33. Thrower (1999) Methods Mol Biol 114: 221
34. Schindler (1980) FEBS Left 122: 77
Fusion of proteoliposomes to bilayer
35. Lee, et. al. (1994) J Biol Chem 269:13305