Recovery of DNA from Low Melting Point Agarose Gels
- Run digestion products on 0.7% LMP agarose gel in 1X TBE (it's nice to have at least 1ug of the fragment you want). LMP agarose is fragile; pour gel with EtBr
- Let solidify in cold room. Be sure to overlay the gel with buffer before pulling out the comb, to prevent damage to the wells
- Run gel in cold room, 100V
- Cut out fragment of interest with clean razor blade and remove all excess agarose from the DNA.
- Use long wave UV to visualize fragment when curring as this reduces nicking. Don't use UV box in the darkroom!
- Melt gel slice at 65oC 5min.
- Determine volume, place back at 65oC
- Add 2.5 vol. of 20mM Tris pH8, 1mM EDTA, mix by pipetting, place at 65oC 2min. [(10mL)(20mM)=x(1000mM) x=0.2mL; (10mL)(1?mM)=x500 x=20uL EDTA]
- Place at RT for 5min.
- Extract with equal vol phenol pH 7-8 (to prepare this, equilibrate 10ml phenol two times with an equal vol of 1M Tris pH8, followed by once with 100mM Tris pH8)
- Extract DNA by shaking vigorously for 2min.
- Spin 10min. at RT
- Phenol/Chloroform extract (not pH7-8)
- Chloroform extract
- Precipitate with 1/10 vol 3M sodium acetate + 2vol Ethanol
- Wash with 70% ethanol
- Resuspend in 10ul water. Check recovery on minigel