E. Coli mini plasmid prep.
- Transfer 1-1.5 mls of the culture into an eppendorf tube.
- Spin 1 min. at 15K room temp. (remove with vacuum pump siphon)
- Resuspend in 300 µls of STET containing 1mg/ml lysozyme.
- Vortex, then Boil for 1 min. in the 100C temp block.
- Spin 10 min. at 15 K room temp.
- Remove and discard pellet using a tooth pick.
- Add 300 µls of cold Isopropanol, mix and leave at -20oC for 30 min. to 1 hour.
- Spin 15 min. at 15K 4oC. (remove supernatant with vacuum pump siphon)
- Wash with 70% EtOH. (remove supernatant with vacuum pump siphon)
- Dry pellets for 10 min. r/t. and resuspend in 50 µls of 1xTE containing 50µg/ml RNase.
- Incubate for 10 min. at 37oC.
- Analyse on agarose gel.
1x STET |
100mls |
8% Sucrose |
8 gms Sucrose |
50 mM Tris pH8.0 |
5 mls 1M Tris pH 8.0 |
50 mM EDTApH8.0 |
10 mls 0.5 M EDTA pH8.0 |
5% Triton X-100 |
5 mls Triton X-100 |
H2O to 100mls |
for 18 samples prepare 6 mls of STET sol'n w/ 6 mgs of lysozyme
1XTE w/ 50µg/ml RNase : add 5µls of a 10 mg/ml RNase stock to 1ml 1XTE