Laboratory of John G. ForteDepartment of Cell & Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley |
Selected publications: Nakada SL, Crothers JM Jr, Machen TE, Forte JG. Apical vacuole formation by gastric parietal cells in primary culture: effect of low extracellular Ca2+. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2012 Oct 24. [Epub ahead of print] {PubMed Link} He W, Liu W, Chew CS, Baker SS, Baker RD, Forte JG, Zhu L. Acid secretion-associated translocation of KCNJ15 in gastric parietal cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2011 Oct;301(4):G591-600 {PubMed Link} Zhu L, Crothers J Jr, Zhou RH, Forte JG. A Possible Mechanism for Ezrin to Establish Epithelial Cell Polarity. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2010 Aug;299(2):C431-43. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Zhu L. Apical recycling of the gastric parietal cell H,K-ATPase. Annu Rev Physiol. 2010 Mar 17;72:273-96. {PubMed Link} Zhu L, Hatakeyama J, Zhang B, Makdisi J, Ender C, Forte JG. Novel insights of the gastric gland organization revealed by chief cell specific expression of moesin. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2008 Dec 12; {PubMed Link} Zhu L, Hatakeyama J, Chen C, Shastri A, Poon K, Forte JG. Comparative study of ezrin phosphorylation among different tissues: more is good; too much is bad. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2008 Jul;295(1):C192-202. {PubMed Link} Reenstra WW, Crothers J Jr, Forte JG. The Conformation of H,K-ATPase Determines the Nucleoside Triphosphate (NTP) Selectivity for Active Proton Transport. Biochemistry. 2007 Sep 4;46(35):10145-52. {PubMed Link} Mettler SE, Ghayouri S, Christensen GP, Forte JG. Modulatory Role of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K) in Gastric Acid Secretion. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2007 Jun 14; {PubMed Link} Zhu L, Zhou R, Mettler S, Wu T, Abbas A, Delaney J, Forte JG. High turnover of ezrin T567 phosphorylation: conformation, activity and cellular function. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2007 Jun 6; {PubMed Link} Zhou R, Zhu L, Kodani A, Hauser P, Yao X, Forte JG. Phosphorylation of ezrin on threonine 567 produces a change in secretory phenotype and repolarizes the gastric parietal cell. J Cell Sci. 2005 Oct 1;118(Pt 19):4381-91. {PubMed Link} Karvar S, Zhu L, Crothers J Jr, Wong W, Turkoz M, Forte JG. Cellular localization and stimulation-associated distribution dynamics of syntaxin-1 and syntaxin-3 in gastric parietal cells. Traffic. 2005 Aug;6(8):654-66. {PubMed Link} Zhu L, Liu Y, Forte JG. Ezrin oligomers are the membrane-bound dormant form in gastric parietal cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2005 Jun;288(6):C1242-54. {PubMed Link} Crothers JM Jr, Asano S, Kimura T, Yoshida A, Wong A, Kang JW, Forte JG. Contribution of oligosaccharides to protection of the H,K-ATPase β-subunit against trypsinolysis. Electrophoresis. 2004 Aug;25(15):2586-92. {PubMed Link} Duman JG, Lee E, Lee GY, Singh G, Forte JG. Membrane fusion correlates with surface charge in exocytic vesicles. Biochemistry. 2004 Jun 22;43(24):7924-39. {PubMed Link} Sawaguchi A, McDonald KL, Forte JG. High-pressure freezing of isolated gastric glands provides new insight into the fine structure and subcellular localization of Zhou R, Cao X, Watson C, Miao Y, Guo Z, Forte JG, Yao X. Characterization of protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation of ezrin in gastric parietal cell activation. J Biol Chem. 2003 Sep 12;278(37):35651-9. {PubMed Link} Karvar S, Yao X, Crothers JM Jr, Liu Y, Forte JG. Localization and function of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein-25 and vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 in functioning gastric parietal cells. J Biol Chem. 2002 Dec 20;277(51):50030-5. {PubMed Link} Sawaguchi A, McDonald KL, Karvar S, Forte JG. A new approach for high-pressure freezing of primary culture cells: the fine structure and stimulation-associated transformation of cultured rabbit gastric parietal cells. J Microsc. 2002 Dec;208(Pt 3):158-66. {PubMed Link} Yao X, Forte JG. Cell biology of acid secretion by the parietal cell. Annu Rev Physiol. 2003;65:103-31. Review. {PubMed Link} Rong Q, Bastaki SM, Forte JG. An improved method to evaluate secretory activity of isolated gastric glands and cells. Dig Dis Sci. 2002 May;47(5):1001-7. {PubMed Link} Duman JG, Singh G, Lee GY, Machen TE, Forte JG. Duman JG, Pathak NJ, Ladinsky MS, McDonald KL, Forte JG. Three-dimensional reconstruction of cytoplasmic membrane networks in parietal cells. J Cell Sci. 2002 Mar 15;115(Pt 6):1251-8. {PubMed Link} Ammar DA, Zhou R, Forte JG, Yao X. Syntaxin 3 is required for cAMP-induced acid secretion: streptolysin O-permeabilized gastric gland model. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2002 Jan; 282(Pt 1):G23-33. {PubMed Link} Okamoto CT, Duman JG, Tyagarajan K, McDonald KL, Jeng YY, McKinney J, Forte TM, Forte JG. Clathrin in gastric acid secretory (parietal) cells: biochemical characterization and subcellular localization. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2000 Sep;279(3):C833-51. {PubMed Link} Duman JG, Tyagarajan K, Kolsi MS, Moore HP, Forte JG. Expression of rab11a N124I in gastric parietal cells inhibits stimulatory recruitment of the Rong Q, Utevskaya O, Ramilo M, Chow DC, Forte JG. Nucleotide metabolism by gastric glands and Forte JG, Ly B, Rong Q, Ogihara S, Ramilo M, Agnew B, Yao X. State of actin in gastric parietal cells. Am J Physiol. 1998 Jan;274(1 Pt 1):C97-104. {PubMed Link} Peng XR, Yao X, Chow DC, Forte JG, Bennett MK. Association of syntaxin 3 and vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) with Yao X, Cheng L, Forte JG. Biochemical characterization of ezrin-actin interaction. J Biol Chem. 1996 Mar 22;271(12):7224-9. {PubMed Link} Tyagarajan K, Townsend RR, Forte JG. The Beta-subunit of the rabbit H,K-ATPase: a glycoprotein with all terminal lactosamine units capped with alpha-linked galactose residues. Biochemistry. 1996 Mar 12;35(10):3238-46. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Yao X. The membrane-recruitment-and-recycling hypothesis of gastric HCl secretion. Trends Cell Biol. 1996 Feb;6(2):45-8. {PubMed Link} Crothers JM Jr, Chow DC, Scalley ML, Forte JG. In vivo trafficking of nascent Tyagarajan K, Chow DC, Smolka A, Forte JG. Structural interactions between alpha- and beta-subunits of the gastric H,K-ATPase. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1995 May 24;1236(1):105-13. {PubMed Link} Thibodeau A, Kuo RC, Crothers JM Jr, Yao X, Owicki JC, Forte JG. Direct measurement of extracellular proton flux from isolated gastric glands. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 1994 Nov;267(5 pt 1):C1473-82. {PubMed Link} Karam SM, Forte JG. Inhibiting gastric Chow DC, Forte JG. Characterization of the beta-subunit of the Crothers JM Jr, Chow DC, Forte JG. Omeprazole decreases Chow DC, Browning CM, Forte JG. Gastric Hanzel D, Reggio H, Bretscher A, Forte JG, Mangeat P. The secretion-stimulated 80K phosphoprotein of parietal cells is ezrin, and has properties of a membrane cytoskeletal linker in the induced apical microvilli. EMBO J. 1991 Sep;10(9):2363-73. {PubMed Link} (Erratum in: EMBO J 1991 Dec;10(12):3978-81) Crothers JM Jr, Reenstra WW, Forte JG. Ontogeny of gastric Canfield VA, Okamoto CT, Chow D, Dorfman J, Gros P, Forte JG, Levenson R. Cloning of the H,K-ATPase beta subunit. Tissue-specific expression, chromosomal assignment, and relationship to Na,K-ATPase beta subunits. J Biol Chem. 1990 Nov 15;265(32):19878-84. {PubMed Link} Reenstra WW, Forte JG. Characterization of Okamoto CT, Karpilow JM, Smolka A, Forte JG. Isolation and characterization of gastric microsomal glycoproteins. Evidence for a glycosylated beta-subunit of the Forte JG, Hanzel DK, Urushidani T, Wolosin JM. Pumps and pathways for gastric HCl secretion. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1989;574:145-58. {PubMed Link} Reenstra WW, Bettencourt JD, Forte JG. Kinetic studies of the gastric H,K-ATPase. Evidence for simultaneous binding of ATP and inorganic phosphate. J Biol Chem. 1988 Dec 25;263(36):19618-25. {PubMed Link} Urushidani T, Hanzel DK, Forte JG. Protein phosphorylation associated with stimulation of rabbit gastric glands. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1987 Sep 14;930(2):209-19. {PubMed Link} Hirst BH, Forte JG. Redistribution and characterization of Wolosin JM, Forte JG. Stimulation of oxyntic cell triggers Wolosin JM, Okamoto C, Forte TM, Forte JG. Actin and associated proteins in gastric epithelial cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1983 Dec 13;761(2):171-82. {PubMed Link} Wolosin JM, Forte JG. Kinetic properties of the KCl transport at the secreting apical membrane of the oxyntic cell. J Membr Biol. 1983;71(3):195-207. Forte JG, Forte TM, Black JA, Okamoto C, Wolosin JM. Correlation of parietal cell structure and function. J Clin Gastroenterol. 1983;5 Suppl 1:17-27. Review. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Black JA, Forte TM, Machen TE, Wolosin JM. Ultrastructural changes related to functional activity in gastric oxyntic cells. Am J Physiol. 1981 Nov;241(5):G349-58. {PubMed Link} Black JA, Forte TM, Forte JG. Inhibition of HCl secretion and the effects on ultrastructure and electrical resistance in isolated piglet gastric mucosa. Gastroenterology. 1981 Sep;81(3):509-19. {PubMed Link} Wolosin JM, Forte JG. Changes in the membrane environment of the Reenstra WW, Forte JG. H+/ATP stoichiometry for the gastric Wolosin JM, Forte JG. Isolation of the secreting oxyntic cell apical membrane identification of an electroneutral KCl symport. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1981;73:189-204. Lee HC, Forte JG. A novel method for measurement of intravesicular pH using fluorescent probes. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1980 Sep 2;601(1):152-66. {PubMed Link} Black JA, Forte TM, Forte JG. Structure of oxyntic cell membranes during conditions of rest and secretion of HCl as revealed by freeze-fracture. Anat Rec. 1980 Feb;196(2):163-72. {PubMed Link} Lee HC, Breitbart H, Forte JG. The functional role of Lee HC, Breitbart H, Berman M, Forte JG. Potassium-stimulated ATPase activity and hydrogen transport in gastric microsomal vesicles. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1979 May 3;553(1):107-31. {PubMed Link} Lee HC, Forte JG. A study of H+ transport in gastric microsomal vesicles using fluorescent probes. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1978 Apr 4;508(2):339-56. {PubMed Link} Forte TM, Machen TE, Forte JG. Ultrastructural changes in oxyntic cells associated with secretory function: a membrane-recycling hypothesis. Gastroenterology. 1977 Oct;73(4 Pt 2):941-55. {Link} Forte JG, Lee HC. Gastric adenosine triphosphatases: a review of their possible role in HCl secretion. Gastroenterology. 1977 Oct;73(4 Pt 2):921-6. Review. {PubMed Link} Ray TK, Forte JG. Studies on the phosphorylated intermediates of a K+-stimulated ATPase from rabbit gastric mucosa. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1976 Sep 7;443(3):451-67. {PubMed Link} Forte TM, Machen TE, Forte JG. Ultrastructural and physiological changes in piglet oxyntic cells during histamine stimulation and metabolic inhibition. Gastroenterology. 1975 Dec;69(6):1208-22. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Ganser A, Beesley R, Forte TM. Unique enzymes of purified microsomes from pig fundic mucosa. K+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase and K+-stimulated pNPPase. Gastroenterology. 1975 Jul;69(1):175-89. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Forte TM, Machen TE. Histamine-stimulated hydrogen ion secretion by in vitro piglet gastric mucosa. J Physiol. 1975 Jan;244(1):15-31. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Ganser AL, Tanisawa AS. The K+-stimulated ATPase system of microsomal membranes from gastric oxyntic cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1974;242(0):255-67. Ganser AL, Forte JG. Ionophoretic stimulation of K+-ATPase of oxyntic cell microsomes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1973 Sep 18;54(2):690-6. Ganser AL, Forte JG. K+-stimulated ATPase in purified microsomes of bullfrog oxyntic cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1973 Apr 25;307(1):169-80. Forte GM, Forte JG, Machen TE. Active ion transport by isolated piglet gastric mucosa. J Physiol. 1972 Oct;226(2):31P-32P. Forte T, Forte JG. A freeze-fracture study of bullfrog gastric oxyntic cells. J Ultrastruct Res. 1971 Nov;37(3):322-34. Tanisawa AS, Forte JG. Phosphorylated-intermediate of microsomal ATPase from rabbit gastric mucosa. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1971 Nov;147(1):165-75. Limlomwongse L, Forte JG. Developmental changes in ATPase and K+-stimulated phosphatase of tadpole gastric microsomes. Am J Physiol. 1970 Dec;219(6):1717-22. Forte GM, Limlomwongse L, Forte JG. The development of intracellular membranes concomitant with the appearance of HCl secretion in oxyntic cells of the metamorphosing bullfrog tadpole. J Cell Sci. 1969 May;4(3):709-27. {PubMed Link} Forte JG, Forte GM, Saltman P. K+-stimulated phosphatase of microsomes from gastric mucosa. J Cell Physiol. 1967 Jun;69(3):293-304. {Link} |
Updated Dec 3, 2012