Background Outlines on Basic Physiology

  1. The Endocrine System
    1. Pituitary Gland
    2. Adrenal Glands
    3. Endocrine Pancreas
    4. Thyroid Function
    5. Parathyroid Function
  2. The Nervous System
    1. Brain and Spinal Cord
    2. Glial Cells
  3. The Reproductive System
    1. Female
    2. Male
    3. Major Disorders of Sex Differentiation in Humans
    4. FSH and LH
  4. The Gastrointestinal System
    1. Bile Characteristics and Function
    2. Digestion and Absorption
    3. Regulation of GI Function
  5. The Cardiovascular System
  6. Additional Cardiovascular Info from 9/15/03
    1. Arteries
    2. Blood Flow
    3. Lipoproteins
  7. The Respiratory System
    1. Ventilation and Gas Exchange
    2. Regulation of Breathing
  8. Kidneys
    1. Processes of the Kidneys
    2. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
    3. Acid-Base Balance

Additional Notes