Koshland Web Site/Methods
2nd Floor Spectrophotometer w/ monitor
  1. Turn on power switch.
  2. Bring up Menu (hit Mode button?) at top of screen; it asks if you want to make changes? Y or N.
  3. Hit Yes.
  4. Hit the number 1. (for changing wavelength)
  5. Hit Enter.
  6. type in wavelength ex. 260
  7. Hit Enter. Now you're back at the main Menu which asks if you want to make changes ? Y or N.
  8. Hit Yes.
  9. Hit the number 5. (for changing "Processing" wavelength)
  10. Hit Enter.
  11. Hit the number 1 (for lambda 1)
  12. Hit Enter.
  13. type in wavelength ex. 260
  14. Hit Enter. Now you're back at the main Menu which asks if you want to make changes ? Y or N.
  15. Hit Yes.
  16. Hit the number 7. (for print data)
  17. Hit Enter.
  18. Place blank cuvette in rear slot.
  19. Place sample cuvette in the front slot.
  20. Spectrophotometer shows reading of sample at the lower right hand side of the screen.
  21. Hit Start/Stop to print out reading.

Instructions for the Gilford Stasar II Spectrophotometer

  1. Turn on Vacuum Pump. Switch is located under counter top.
  2. Purge air through system by holding down sample actuator bar for a few seconds.
  3. Aspirate blank at least twice and adjust zero. Check to see if reading is steady
  4. Aspirate sample at least twice and take reading.
  5. After reading last sample, purge air and aspirate Coulter Clenz (the blue crap) throughout the system (hold down sample actuator bar until you see blue liquid entering vacuum bottle)
  6. Turn off Vacuum Pump.
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