Lab Notebook : : You will be expected to keep a laboratory notebook for this course. The purpose of the notebook is to give you practice in recording laboratory procedures and data in an easily readable flowsheet format that will enable you and your collaborators to locate quickly all of the necessary information about an experiment when it is time to write a report or paper. You will need to read the relevant protocols cited in the Class Schedule before each laboratory session and to have your laboratory notebook already set up in flowsheet form at the beginning of each laboratory period after the first laboratory. A sample format for laboratory notebooks will be provided at the first laboratory period.

The purpose of preparing your notebook ahead of time is 1) to enable you to begin work on the day's experiment promptly so that you can finish the lab on time, 2) to enable you to identify any points of confusion ahead of time so that you can ask about them before starting the experiment, and 3) to enable you to entyer all critical information pertaining to the day's experiment (sample identification, concentrations, volumes, etc.) directly into your notebook during each laboratory period.

Class : :

Monday & Wednesday 1:00-5:30 PM
4054 VLSB
4 Units


Questions and comments? Email feilin@berkeley.edu
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