Bile Characteristics and Function

Formed: Liver Cells

Collected: Canaliculi and ducts

Stored: Gall Bladder

Secreted: Intestine

Composed: Water, Bile Salts, Bilirubin Cholesterol, Inorganic Salts

Actions: Lipid emulsificiation, Lipase activation, Enterohepatic transport of drugs Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (Kernicterus)

  • occurs when mother is Rh- and fetus is Rh+
  • Rh factor contains several antigens. It is found in red blood cells only.
  • Rh+ means that red blood cells have antigenic agglutinogen D
  • Rh- has no antigenic agglutinogen and, when in contact with Rh+ blood, forms anti-agglutinogen antibodies which destroy red blood cells
  • massive destruction of red blood cells in the fetus and newborn induces sever hyperbilirubinemia (kernicterus); bilirubin accumulates in the brain causing impaired development
  • first child less affected than following siblings
  • Treatment: passive immunization of the mother by administration of anti-Rh antibodies